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发布时间:2018-11-16 14:19
[Abstract]:Under the background of "pushing forward the reform of the litigation system with trial as the center", the author examines the current examination and prosecution work and finds that he is not willing to take the initiative to exclude the illegal evidence and "lead the disease" to prove the evidence, the evidence is not sufficient enough, and the prosecution is reluctantly carried out. After withdrawing the original facts, the evidence is reprosecuted or even the jurisdiction changed; if the evidence material is not transferred in an all-round way, the evidence that is beneficial to the defendant will be hidden and not sent. In the face of the above problems, we should insist on "taking trial as the center", review the factual evidence of the case according to the requirements and standards of the trial, decide whether to prosecute with the thinking of trial, collect and transfer evidence materials in an all-round way; Avoid communicating with the court about the facts and nature of the case, and make the decision of innocence and non-prosecution objectively and justly. In order to promote the reform of the review and prosecution work of "taking trial as the center", the procuratorial organs must also change their ideas, establish the consciousness of the parties' role, adjust the relationship and support the courts to exercise their judicial power independently and impartially according to law. Break away from stereotypes and reform the examination and evaluation mechanism of prosecution work.
【作者单位】: 南京师范大学法学院;常州市金坛区人民检察院;


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