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发布时间:2018-11-17 21:05
[Abstract]:As an expert witness system in Anglo-American law system, it plays an important role in the judicial practice of Anglo-American law system countries. Although the appraisal system of the civil law system in the civil justice field of our country has been improved continuously, but with the reform of the judicial system and the need of trial practice, our country has begun to draw close to the pattern of "expert witness of expert". In recent years, there has been a great development in the judicial reform in our country. The newly implemented Civil procedure Law provides that "the person with special knowledge will appear in court" and the system of expert witness will be formally stipulated in the form of law. However, at present, there are still many problems in the practice of expert witness system in our country, and the legislation is too general. Based on this, this paper, based on the practical cases, leads to the outstanding problems to be solved in the judicial practice of our country, and puts forward some rules to perfect the expert witness system from the perspective of the effective experience of the extraterritorial law. It is expected to contribute to the development of China's expert witness system and facilitate the smooth conduct of judicial practice.


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