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发布时间:2018-11-17 17:30
[Abstract]:Temporary execution outside prison refers to the fact that a criminal sentenced to life imprisonment, fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention has certain special circumstances as prescribed by law and is not suitable for the execution of a penalty in a prison or a criminal detention institution or other places, A temporary alternative to detention. The current system of temporary execution outside prison was formed in the 1970s and 1980s. In 1996, the Criminal procedure Law formally established this system. In 2012, China amended the implementation system of the Criminal procedure Law temporarily outside the prison. The scope of application, conditions, procedures, and the work responsibilities of the relevant departments for the temporary execution of the outside prison were jointly issued by the five departments in 2014. The connection and coordination mechanism have made specific provisions, which make the current system of temporary execution out of prison more perfect. However, there are still many deficiencies in the system of temporary execution outside the prison, which can easily lead to judicial corruption, damage the justice of the judiciary, be serious and authoritative, and violate the purport of criminal humanitarianism. At the same time, the influence of the judicial idea that the imprisonment penalty occupies the leading position for a long time in our country, the weak consciousness of protecting the human rights of the criminal, and the insufficient education and support of the community correction, all need to be perfected gradually in the future legislation. The author hopes to base on trial practice, from the angle of criminal's human rights protection and penalty humanitarianism, put forward some suggestions to perfect our country's temporary outside prison execution system through the existing problems of our country's temporary outside prison execution system. This paper first describes the concept, basic characteristics, significance and development process of the temporary outside execution system. Secondly, based on the current judicial practice of our country, with the analysis of cases and comprehensive data, it highlights the problems existing in the enforcement system of temporary imprisonment in our country, combines theory with practice, from the conflict between legal provisions, the absence of legal liability provisions of guarantor. The causes of formation are analyzed in the following aspects: the responsibility of the examination and approval decision organ is not clear, the procedure of the criminal transfer and execution is not standardized, the temporary execution of the criminal outside the prison is difficult, the community correction is a mere formality, and the temporary execution supervision outside the prison is not in place; Finally, the paper puts forward the basic idea of perfecting the temporary execution outside the prison in China, through unifying the applicable object of the temporary execution outside the prison, clarifying the applicable conditions of the temporary execution outside the prison, and increasing the restriction clause of the criminal applying the temporary execution outside the prison. The people's court shall exercise the unified power of ruling over the temporary execution outside the prison, standardize the procedures for the execution of the system of temporary execution outside the prison, and stipulate the legal liability of the guarantor not to perform the obligation of guaranty. To strengthen the enforcement of community correction and to put forward the suggestion of procuratorial supervision on the system of temporary execution outside prison in order to perfect the system of temporary execution outside prison in our country.


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