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发布时间:2018-11-18 18:06
[Abstract]:With the frequent exposure of a series of criminal misdemeanors, extorting confessions by torture is recognized as the main reason for the formation of the wrong cases, which also pushes the legality of the evidence-gathering behavior carried out by investigators to the forefront of the storm. In order to standardize the investigation activities of the investigation organs and prevent the unreasonable expansion of the investigation power and the frequent occurrence of wrong cases caused by the centralism of the case file, our country is vigorously carrying out the reform of the criminal procedure system of "taking the trial as the center". As the system of investigators appearing in court to testify in the procedure of excluding illegal evidence fully meets the basic requirements of "taking trial as the center" in regulating the right of investigation, containing the fickleness of the trial and ensuring the equal confrontation between the prosecution and the defense, etc. Therefore, the system will become an indispensable way to realize "trial as the center" in our country. At the same time, the proposal of "taking trial as the center" also provides an opportunity for the further improvement of the system in our country. Firstly, this paper briefly summarizes the system of investigators appearing in court to testify in the procedure of excluding illegal evidence, and clearly defines the object of proof, the nature of identity and the applicable circumstances of cases in which investigators appear in the procedure of excluding illegal evidence. It also compares the appearance of investigators as "procedural witnesses" and ordinary witnesses, and the appearance of investigators as "substantive witnesses". Moreover, this paper analyzes the value of the system from three angles: verifying the legality of evidence, forcing the standardization of evidence collection and realizing "trial as the center". Secondly, through the analysis of the current legislative situation and the actual operation of the system in our country, the author summarizes the three main obstacles that the investigators in our country basically do not appear in court and the effect of appearing in court is not good: the basic content is not clear, the concrete procedure is lack of refinement. Safeguards are lacking. Thirdly, from the Anglo-American law system and the civil law system countries or regions related systems or practices, to investigate the inspiration to the system of our country, try to link the system with its rooted social and cultural environment, from which to absorb useful results to be used for reference. Finally, according to the basic requirements of "taking trial as the center", the author puts forward nine ideas to perfect the system from three aspects: basic content, concrete procedure and safeguard measures. It mainly includes: unifying the legal rules for investigators to testify in court, clarifying the identity of the witnesses appearing in court, redefining the scope of the subject for the investigators to testify in court, and refining the decision authority of the investigators to testify in court. Make clear the behavior norm of investigators appearing in court, clear the legal consequence of investigators refusing to appear in court, make clear the right guarantee of investigators to testify in court, clarify the exemption of duty of investigators to testify in court, Clarify the investigation examination system and the annual report review mechanism. The purpose is to effectively contain the further expansion of investigation power, realize the essence of trial prosecution and debate, and finally realize the fundamental goal of "taking trial as the center".


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