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发布时间:2018-11-21 08:14
[Abstract]:The obligation of filing documents is an important way for the parties to collect evidence. It is not only the logical product of argumentation, but also the embodiment of the development of the modern view of the purpose of civil action, and the embodiment of the principle of good faith. It is of great significance to restore the weapon equality between the parties, to find the truth and to promote the centralization of the trial, and to realize the fairness and justice. A comprehensive view of the interpretation of the application of the Civil procedure Law of the people's Republic of China by the Supreme people's Court in 2015 (hereinafter referred to as the Judicial interpretation of the Civil procedure Law), the 2012 Civil procedure Law of the people's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Civil procedure Law), The relevant provisions of the Supreme people's Court on evidence in Civil Litigation in 2001 (hereinafter referred to as "provisions on Civil evidence") indicate that China has preliminarily established the system of filing obligations of civil litigants. However, the relevant legislation and judicial interpretation are relatively careless and too scattered, have not yet formed systematization, and lack of the basic logical premise for its benign development and relevant supporting system, so it faces difficulties in the process of judicial application. Through the comparative analysis of the civil law system and the evidence discovery system in the countries and regions of the civil law system and the common law system countries, we can correctly understand and draw lessons from the theoretical basis and mature legislative techniques of the extraterritorial relatively systematic system. At the same time carefully examine our current social environment and civil litigation system. The purpose of this study is to improve the system of obligation and make it effective. In our country, we should establish the principle of binding debate, refine and clarify the scope of application of the obligation, the procedure of application and the legal consequences of violation, and set up a complete system of rules. So it is the only way to perfect the system to enrich and protect the evidence collection ability of the parties, which is conducive to the steady development of civil litigation in China, and to respond to and meet the basic demands of the society at the same time.


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