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发布时间:2018-11-21 11:18
[Abstract]:Since the 17th century, the pre-determination rules of British criminal judgments in civil proceedings have generally experienced the development and change from "inadmissibility" to "limited admissibility". The joint action of technical factors such as the rules of evidence and the rules of validity of judgment and procedural justice, the saving of judicial resources and the maintenance of the unity of adjudication and other policy-related factors determines the scope and mode of action of the pre-determination force of criminal judgment. In our country, the lack of technical norms and the consideration of practical requirements such as convenience of work and avoidance of risks lead to the expansion and absolutization of the pre-determination power of criminal judgment in legislation and practice. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to classify the facts involved in the criminal judgment and to define precisely the range of the determination power of the criminal judgment. At the same time, from the angle of safeguarding the right of participation in procedure and the independence and professionalism of civil jurisdiction, the predetermination of criminal judgment should be restricted.
【作者单位】: "2011计划"·司法文明协同创新中心;中国政法大学民商经济法学院;
【基金】:2016年度中国政法大学青年教师学术创新团队“刑民交叉案件诉讼问题研究”(16CXTD06) 2015年度北京市社科基金项目“刑事判决在民事诉讼中的效力研究”(15FXB016)的阶段性成果




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