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发布时间:2018-11-21 14:19
[Abstract]:This paper selects the public security judicial system in the eastern part of China to carry out the empirical analysis of the correction of defective evidence, and finds that the category of defective evidence is not clear, the defect situation is diverse, the subject of flaw discovery is diverse, the way of handling is arbitrary, and the standard requirements are confused. The processing procedure is out of order, the opportunity to go to the defect is infinite, the supplementary evidence cannot deal with the problem and so on. This is confused with the weak logic of the system of defective evidence norms in China, the diversity of theories in the theoretical circle, the stubborn problems of judicial practice and empirical understanding, the experience of handling cases in the form of administrative examination and approval, and the functions of litigation. The legislation is related to the mismatch of the judicial idea and the interpretation of the conflict between the three organs. We should make clear the legislative purpose of eliminating the defect of evidence, return to the essence of litigation function, coordinate the legislative mode of defective evidence, unify the qualification standard of evidence, construct a simple and standardized screening mechanism, and integrate and reconstruct the system of defective evidence system.
【作者单位】: 青岛大学法学院;


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