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发布时间:2018-11-21 18:15
[Abstract]:The criminal error case is the biggest judicial mistake, its reason is extremely complex, various. The criminal appeal system is an important part of the criminal justice system in our country, which plays an important role in correcting cases of wrongs and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the masses. However, in the current judicial practice, there are still some problems in the criminal malpractice appeal system. For example, the concept of presumption of guilt of judicial staff still exists, and the court system of "self-correcting and self-adjudicating" appeals retrial has defects. The lack of lawyers' participation in the reexamination stage of criminal malpractice cases, the existence of these problems has built an insurmountable obstacle for the victims and their families in the process of criminal malpractice complaints. In this paper, taking the typical criminal error case of Shandong Province as an example, by enumerating the obstacles encountered in the process of the complaint, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the present situation of the criminal wrong case in our country, and analyzes the civil law system by comparing and analyzing the problems existing in the present situation of the criminal wrong case in our country. In order to improve the complaint system of criminal malpractice in our country, the provisions of remedy system of criminal error in two major legal systems of Anglo-American law system are put forward.


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