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发布时间:2018-11-22 16:44
[Abstract]:As an important department of law, the relationship between criminal law and civil law has gone through a process from ancient "criminal law is not divided" to modern "criminal civil separation" to contemporary "criminal people cross". With the trend of mutual influence between criminal law and civil law, the scope of application of civil law in criminal cases is more and more extensive. The concrete practical types are plea bargaining, criminal reconciliation, private prosecution cases, immunity of tainted witnesses, bail pending trial, summary procedure, etc. Evidence disclosure, legislative reform and civil law anti-corruption. Although these practices are typical applications of civil law in criminal cases, their reference to the principles of civil law through superficial analysis is slightly different. Specifically, they can be divided into four categories. They are the application of the spirit of contract in the transaction of substantive interests and procedural interests, the legislative reform of the regulation of individual areas under criminal law, and the rationalization of civil law tools used to combat crime with civil law. Civil law and criminal law are two separate departments of law. The application of civil law in criminal cases must have its legal and reasonable basis. Firstly, it accords with the social transformation background of political country to civil society. Civil society requires the criminal law to maintain its modesty, and has the virtues of equality, justice, will autonomy and so on. Secondly, it accords with the subject background of "private law of public law" and the intersection of civil and criminal law. As a kind of private law, the penetration of civil law into criminal law as public law mainly has the legal function and the way of legal responsibility. Thirdly, it also fits in with the transformation of litigation concepts in modern society, such as litigation modesty, cost control and the pursuit of justice and efficiency. Finally, this can also solve the practical activities difficult to break through, torture forced confessions extended detention repeated prohibition, litigation explosion caused by the backlog of cases and other problems. The application of civil law in the judicial practice of criminal cases has achieved some good results, can better achieve the unity of social and legal effects, but there are still a variety of deficiencies. And in this respect, some western countries explore in practice much earlier than China, for those mature, excellent results, we can fully combine the national conditions on the basis of reference. On the basis of synthesizing the outstanding achievements of our country and other countries, this paper puts forward three suggestions for applying the civil law method in the process of criminal cases. First of all, to deal with the two kinds of criminal cases of substantive interest transaction and procedural interest transaction, we should insist on the guidance of civil law contract spirit. Secondly, we should expand the scope of application of civil liability in criminal cases, gradually from minor criminal cases to serious and complex social crimes; Finally, we should construct community justice, promote the diversification of criminal dispute resolution approaches, in order to stabilize the dependence of the society on the formal justice, and also meet the needs of value diversification in the context of the diversified interests of the times.


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