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发布时间:2018-11-22 16:43
[Abstract]:Civil litigation is supposed to be the last line of defense for the parties to use legal weapons to resolve disputes and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, which embodies the value pursuit of fairness and justice. However, in recent years, with the development of economy and legal system, citizens' legal consciousness has been improved, and the situation of excessive litigation caused by the lack of legal belief has also been increasing. The emergence of malicious litigation has become a pathological phenomenon in the field of litigation. Malicious litigation not only infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of others, causes the waste of litigation resources, but also destroys the judicial order of the country and impacts on the authority of the law. The theory and judicial practice of our country have carried on the thorough research to the malicious lawsuit question, the newly revised "Civil procedure Law" has also added the related laws and regulations of the malicious civil lawsuit, but from the overall view, China has never formed a unified understanding of malicious litigation, nor has it established a complete legal system of malicious litigation. Therefore, from the perspective of malicious litigation in the field of civil litigation, this paper systematically discusses and studies the problem of malicious civil litigation. The text of this paper is divided into five parts: the first part is the definition of malicious civil action. The author analyzes and compares the definition of malicious civil action outside China and the academic circles of our country, and distinguishes it with similar concepts, and then probes into the definition of malicious civil action. The second part is the identification of malicious civil action. Combined with specific cases in judicial practice, this paper summarizes and describes the characteristics, forms and constitutive requirements of all kinds of malicious civil litigation cases, which lays a theoretical foundation for further prevention and regulation of malicious civil litigation. The third part is about the malicious civil action carries on the extraterritorial investigation. The author introduces and summarizes the relevant laws and regulations of Germany, France, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States and other countries in the civil law system of the continental law system in view of malicious civil litigation. For our country consummates the malicious civil lawsuit legal system to provide the reference. The fourth part is to discuss the present situation of malicious civil action in our country. The author divides this part into three aspects: firstly, analyzing and discussing the causes of malicious civil action, secondly combing the current law of malicious civil action in our country, and describing the actual judicial status quo. Finally, according to the relevant laws and regulations, summed up the existing problems. The fifth part is the legal regulation of malicious civil action. In order to form a complete system of regulation and regulation, the author makes a complete regulation and strike at the three stages of malicious civil action before, during and after the conclusion of the case, and puts forward solutions to the specific problems in each stage, so as to form a complete regulatory system. More closely to malicious civil action to prevent and strike.


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