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发布时间:2018-11-23 06:30
[Abstract]:As citizens detained in specific places, pending detainees are in a weak position and should enjoy the basic rights of citizens. However, in practice, the protection of the right to meet with correspondence is often ignored. Therefore, this paper takes the communication and meeting rights of the pending detainees as the research object, through the elaboration and analysis of the legitimacy and rationality of the communication and meeting rights of the pending detainees and the particularity of their communication and meeting rights. At the same time, by comparing with the right of communication and meeting of the pending detainees in the United States, this paper further explores the problems and shortcomings of the protection of the communication and meeting rights of the pending detainees in our judicial practice, and tries to put forward some preliminary and perfect countermeasures. This paper is divided into five parts: firstly, the connotation and extension of the concept of pending detainees and correspondence meeting right are combed out. As for the pending detainees, the academic circles have formed the general theory that adopting the "legal state theory" means that the criminal suspects and defendants who are deprived of their personal liberty before the people's court makes a guilty verdict. With regard to the right to access to correspondence, including freedom of communication and confidentiality of correspondence, access to relatives and lawyers. Secondly, it analyzes in detail the legitimacy of pending detainees' right of correspondence and meeting. First, there is a solid theoretical basis for the enjoyment of the right to correspondence and meeting. According to the presumption of innocence and the theory of universal human rights, the pending detainees, as citizens of our country, should not be deprived of their right of communication and interview because of their detention. Second, the correspondence meets the right to have the substantial legal basis. It is not only embodied in our Constitution, Criminal procedure Law, Detention Center regulations, but also stipulated in international legal documents. In addition, the right of communication and interview of the pending detainees not only concerns the interests of themselves, their families and the public, but also has an important impact on the smooth progress of the criminal proceedings. Thirdly, the particularity of communication and meeting right of pending detainees is analyzed. On the one hand, from the perspective of different subjects of rights, the right of communication and meeting of pending detainees may be restricted because they may be suspected of committing crimes, which distinguishes them from convicted criminals and ordinary citizens. On the other hand, from the different stages of detention, there are great differences in the enjoyment of the rights of communication and interview between the investigation stage and the trial stage. Finally, using the method of comparative analysis to explore the right of communication and meeting between China and the United States. Pending detainees in the United States enjoy the right of correspondence and meeting relatively perfect. In contrast, there are still many deficiencies in the guarantee of communication and meeting rights of the pending detainees in our country. In view of the problems, we should strengthen education, change the existing values, strengthen the consciousness of human rights protection and establish the concept of presumption of innocence. Improve the refinement of relevant legislation and form a sound legal normative system. Reform the pending detention system and reform the detention center system. Construct comprehensive right relief mechanism. Only in this way, the right of communication and interview of pending detainees can be effectively guaranteed.


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