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发布时间:2018-11-23 09:53
[Abstract]:Audiovisual recording of interrogation has the dual effect of ensuring the implementation of interrogation activities and fixing the confession of criminal suspects, but in practice there is the dilemma of selective recording and providing of audio and video recordings. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate the evidence ability and examination, determination and exclusion procedure of the confession obtained in violation of the mandatory audio and video recording requirements, so as to ensure the realization of the value of the audio and video recording. In view of the high associated sexual relationship between the refusal to provide audio and video recordings and the collection of evidence by illegal methods such as extortion of confessions by torture, this can be achieved through the design of presumption rules. After the establishment of the rules for the presumption of audiovisual recording of interrogations, it can maintain the implementation of the law and its inherent legitimacy, unify the judgment standards of judicial practice, and urge the interrogation activities and recording process to strictly abide by the law. To ensure the accuracy of procedural and substantive conclusions. In the application of the presumption rule, attention should be paid to the fact that the basic facts are initiated by the judge ex officio or the defendant to give evidence, to fully protect the right of the prosecution to refute, and at the same time to set a scientific standard of proof for the disputed facts and the rebuttal facts in the presumption rules.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学法学院;


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