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发布时间:2018-11-24 15:58
【摘要】:我国2012年通过了新修改的《民事诉讼法》,此次修正对民事诉讼法中的许多制度进行了调整和完善,许多制度的改革都显得比较科学化和人性化,这些制度的改革都将对我国民事诉讼活动以及民诉法本身的发展产生巨大的促进作用。在此次对民诉法的改革中,对协议管辖制度的各方面内容也做了比较大的调整,一方面协议管辖制度对于国内的案件适用范围在一定程度上得到了扩展,使国内与涉外民事诉讼可适用的案件范围得以统一,另一方面该制度可选择的管辖法院不只限于原来的五个法院,增加了与案件争议有实际联系法院。另外,在民事诉讼中我们开始承认默示协议管辖制度。这些改进体现出了我国的立法在管辖制度方面所做的努力和进步。 但是,协议管辖制度在立法的细节上还存在一些问题,例如有些概念的范围界定不清,有些方面虽然有法律规定却不具体,缺乏操作性。这些问题使该制度的功能发挥受到了影响,因此,为了促进该制度功能的充分发挥,对该制度的进一步修正就显得很有必要。笔者认为在协议管辖制度适用的范围、案件的管辖法院以及协议管辖的形式上有必要采取一种更开放的态度。 本文首先介绍协议管辖制度的基本理论,又通过比较新旧民诉法的不同,在借鉴国际及外国在该制度的立法上,分析了我国新修改的民诉法的进步以及不足,最后给出了一些完善的建议。除引言和结论外,,全文主要由四大部分组成。 第一部分阐述了协议管辖制度的基本理论。笔者分别从协议管辖制度的内涵、协议管辖的分类、适用条件、实行协议管辖的必要性以及其目的对该制度进行了基本介绍。 第二部分结合新修改的《民事诉讼法》和原《民事诉讼法》在协议管辖制度的不同,介绍了他们的基本内容,并且将他们进行了对比,论述了此次修改在协议管辖制度方面的改进和突破,最后对此次修改的优缺点进行了综合评价。 第三部分首先介绍了两大法系的主要国家在协议管辖制度上的不同规定和态度,又介绍了协议管辖制度在国际上的发展趋势以及这些趋势对我国的启示意义。 第四部分针对以上论述发现的问题,结合协议管辖制度的基本原理和两大法系的主要国家在该制度上的不同规定以及国际发展趋势,提出了一些改进和完善的意见。
[Abstract]:China adopted the newly amended Civil procedure Law in 2012. This amendment has adjusted and perfected many systems in the Civil procedure Law, and many of the system reforms have become more scientific and humanized. The reform of these systems will greatly promote the development of civil action and civil litigation law in China. In the reform of the civil procedure law, various aspects of the agreement jurisdiction system have also been greatly adjusted. On the one hand, the scope of application of the agreement jurisdiction system to domestic cases has been expanded to a certain extent. On the other hand, the choice of jurisdiction court is not limited to the original five courts, and the courts with actual connection with the case dispute have been added. In addition, in civil proceedings, we began to recognize the implied agreement jurisdiction system. These improvements reflect the efforts and progress of our legislation in the jurisdiction system. However, there are still some problems in the legislative details of the agreement jurisdiction system, for example, the scope of some concepts is not clearly defined, and some aspects are not specific and lack of maneuverability, although there are legal provisions. These problems affect the function of the system, therefore, in order to promote the full play of the system, it is necessary to further revise the system. The author thinks that it is necessary to adopt a more open attitude in the scope of application of the agreement jurisdiction system, the jurisdiction court of the case and the form of the agreement jurisdiction. This paper first introduces the basic theory of the agreement jurisdiction system, and then, by comparing the difference between the old and the new civil action law, analyzes the progress and deficiency of the newly revised civil action law in our country by drawing lessons from the international and foreign legislation in the system. Finally, some perfect suggestions are given. In addition to the introduction and conclusions, the full text is mainly composed of four parts. The first part expounds the basic theory of the agreement jurisdiction system. The author introduces the system from the aspects of its connotation, classification, applicable conditions, necessity and purpose. The second part introduces their basic contents and compares them with the differences between the newly amended Civil procedure Law and the original Civil procedure Law in the agreement jurisdiction system. This paper discusses the improvement and breakthrough of this revision in the aspect of the agreement jurisdiction system, and finally makes a comprehensive evaluation on the merits and demerits of the revision. The third part firstly introduces the different regulations and attitudes of the main countries in the two major legal systems on the agreement jurisdiction system, and also introduces the international development trend of the agreement jurisdiction system and the enlightening significance of these trends to our country. In the fourth part, in view of the problems found in the above exposition, combined with the basic principles of the agreement jurisdiction system, the different provisions of the two major legal system countries in this system and the international development trend, some suggestions for improvement and perfection are put forward.


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