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发布时间:2018-11-26 06:58
【摘要】:随着我国社会经济的不断发展,经济利益愈发成为各种行为的驱动力,个体追求自身利益最大化表达渐成社会趋势。反映到民事诉讼中来,当事人为节约诉讼成本、谋求更大胜诉可能性而实施的规避管辖现象日趋普遍,法院因受地方保护主义影响或为本院经济利益因素的考量而实施规避管辖的现象也屡见不鲜。规避管辖现象的日益普遍,致使现行司法秩序和当事人的合法权益遭受严重损害,究其本质乃诉讼欺诈行为。此类现象的产生固然是由于当事人或法院受到经济利益的驱动,但更重要的原因是现行的管辖制度存在诸如管辖法律规定不完善、管辖异议审查程序缺失等严重缺陷。对规避管辖现象予以深入研究并提出相应的规制对策,不仅有利于完善现有管辖制度、保障当事人的合法权益,也有利于维护健康的司法秩序、提升法院的社会公信力。 据此,笔者从规避管辖的本质属性出发,在对规避管辖予以明确界定的基础上,通过比较大陆法系和英美法系国家在规制规避管辖问题上的规定获取可借鉴之经验,从规避管辖的特性、表现形式、成因分析、对策建议及域外制度经验借鉴五个方面对民事诉讼规避管辖及其规制予以了具体阐述,全文共分五个部分。 第一部分为民事诉讼规避管辖现象的概述,通过比较学界对“规避管辖”的几种主要学术观点,得出笔者对“规避管辖”内涵的界定,即当事人或法院出于经济利益等因素考量,采取一定方式规避有管辖权法院的管辖而使得无管辖权法院受理案件的诉讼欺诈行为,并对“规避管辖”的特征和危害后果进行了分析。 第二部分阐述了域外规制规避管辖的规定及对我国的借鉴,笔者通过对大陆法系和英美法系主要国家规制规避管辖的规定介绍,从中提取了完善级别管辖标准、设立规避管辖救济程序等适合我国国情的制度措施。 第三部分讨论了司法实务中常见的规避管辖情形,包括规避级别管辖、规避地域管辖及其他规避管辖的情形。该部分结合司法实例,对这些规避管辖行为的具体招数及其利用的制度缺陷予以了细致分析。 第四部分阐述了我国民事诉讼规避管辖现象存在的原因,笔者从当事人、法院、制度三个层面对规避管辖现象的成因予以详细的说明,为接下来规制对策的提出奠定分析基础。 第五部分为本文的重点,阐述了规制我国民事诉讼规避管辖的对策建议。就司法实践中常见的规避管辖现象,笔者认为不仅要构思出破解其招数的对策,更关键的是要加强管辖法律知识的宣传、完善现行的管辖制度,,故笔者从设立异议审查审前会议制度、完善规避管辖救济程序、构建规避管辖惩罚机制等方面提出规制规避管辖的对策建议,以期切实根治此类诉讼欺诈行为,实现标本兼治。
[Abstract]:With the development of our country's social economy, economic interests become the driving force of all kinds of behaviors, and it is gradually becoming a social trend for individuals to pursue the maximization of their own interests. Reflecting in civil litigation, the phenomenon of circumventing jurisdiction implemented by the parties in order to save the cost of litigation and seek for greater possibility of success is becoming more and more common. It is common for the courts to circumvent jurisdiction because of the influence of local protectionism or the consideration of the economic interests of the court. The phenomenon of circumventing jurisdiction is becoming more and more common, which results in serious damage to the current judicial order and the legal rights and interests of the parties. Although this kind of phenomenon is driven by the economic interests of the parties or the court, the more important reason is that the current jurisdiction system has serious defects such as the imperfection of the jurisdiction laws and regulations, the lack of the examination procedure of the jurisdiction dissent and so on. To study the phenomenon of circumventing jurisdiction in depth and put forward the corresponding regulation countermeasures are not only conducive to perfecting the existing jurisdiction system, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, but also conducive to maintaining a healthy judicial order and enhancing the social credibility of the court. Accordingly, the author proceeds from the essential attribute of circumventing jurisdiction, on the basis of clearly defining the circumvention of jurisdiction, and by comparing the provisions of civil law system and Anglo-American law system in regulating the circumvention of jurisdiction, obtains the experience that can be used for reference. From the characteristics, manifestations, causes analysis, countermeasures and suggestions and foreign system experience of five aspects of civil litigation to circumvent jurisdiction and its regulation to be elaborated in detail, the full text is divided into five parts. The first part is an overview of the phenomenon of circumvention of jurisdiction in civil litigation. By comparing several major academic viewpoints of "circumventing jurisdiction" in academic circles, the author defines the connotation of "circumventing jurisdiction". That is, the litigants or courts take certain measures to circumvent the jurisdiction of the courts with jurisdiction in order to make the courts without jurisdiction accept cases of litigation fraud. The characteristics and harmful consequences of "circumventing jurisdiction" are analyzed. In the second part, the author introduces the rules of the extraterritorial regulation of circumventing jurisdiction and its reference to our country. The author introduces the regulations of civil law system and the common law system, and extracts the standard of perfect level jurisdiction. Set up the system measures suitable for our country's national condition such as circumventing jurisdiction relief procedure. The third part discusses the common cases of circumvention jurisdiction in judicial practice, including circumvention level jurisdiction, circumvention of regional jurisdiction and other circumvention of jurisdiction. Combining with judicial examples, this part makes a detailed analysis of the specific measures of circumvention of jurisdiction and the institutional defects of its utilization. The fourth part expounds the reasons of the phenomenon of circumvention of jurisdiction in civil litigation in China. The author explains the causes of the phenomenon in detail from three levels: the parties, the court and the system, which lays an analytical foundation for the next regulatory countermeasures. The fifth part is the emphases of this article, and expounds the countermeasures and suggestions to regulate the civil litigation circumventing jurisdiction in our country. As for the common phenomenon of circumventing jurisdiction in judicial practice, the author thinks that not only should we conceive the countermeasures to solve the problem, but also strengthen the propaganda of jurisdiction law knowledge and perfect the current jurisdiction system. Therefore, the author puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions from the aspects of setting up the system of dissent review pretrial meeting, perfecting the procedure of circumventing jurisdiction relief, constructing the mechanism of circumventing jurisdiction punishment and so on, in order to effectively cure this kind of litigation fraud and achieve both the root and the symptoms.


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