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发布时间:2018-11-26 10:15
[Abstract]:The "Civil procedure Law" of 1991 in our country stipulated the supervision procedure, but in the concrete practice, the utilization rate and the productivity efficiency of the supervision procedure were very low, not only failed to give full play to the lawsuit function due to the supervision procedure, but the procedure was left vacant. It also causes a large number of disputes over civil creditor's rights and debts to flow into ordinary litigation procedures, resulting in unreasonable distribution of judicial resources. In 2013, the new Civil procedure Law has perfected the specific procedure setting of the supervision procedure: it has stipulated the scope of application of the supervision procedure. (B) increased likelihood of the use of supervisory procedures to a large extent; It is clear that the court should examine whether the dissent of payment order put forward by the debtor is established, and minimize the possibility that the payment order will be invalidated by the debtor's abuse of the right of dissent; If the dissent of payment order is established, the supervision procedure ends and the dispute is automatically transferred to the litigation procedure, which solves the problem of the connection between the supervision procedure and the litigation procedure, and gives the creditor the right of disposition. The revision of the supervision procedure is undoubtedly a strong and effective response to the difficulties in the practice of the supervision procedure in China's civil litigation legislation. It can be seen that the legislators hope that our country will urge the procedure out of the practical dilemma and the urgent need to build a socialist country ruled by law with Chinese characteristics. In addition to the conclusion of the fifth chapter, this paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter defines the content of the supervision procedure, from the perspective of the scope of application, characteristics, specific process and setting purpose of the supervision procedure. This paper analyzes the attributes of the supervision procedure, through a simple review of the three representative views of the domestic academic circles, establishes the author's point of view that the supervision procedure is a slightly litigation procedure. And from the characteristics of non-litigation procedures and supervision procedures of their own characteristics of positive and negative two angles to demonstrate this view; And simply analyzes the legal significance of supervising and urging program design. In the second chapter, the author chooses Germany, France, Japan and Taiwan as the representatives, describes the general situation of legislation and application of the supervision procedure in these countries and regions, and makes a comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages. In the third chapter, the author analyzes the legislation status and application status of the supervision procedure in our country. Firstly, the author evaluates the legislation system of the supervision procedure from a macro perspective, and then describes in detail the actual operation and utilization rate of the supervision procedure in our country. Inefficiency, malicious litigation sneaked in. Finally, the author analyzes the causes of the dilemma in the practice of supervision procedure from two aspects: starting and running of supervision procedure and external environment. In the fourth chapter, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to regulate and perfect the supervision procedure in the implementation of specific rules in order to give full play to the advantages of the supervision procedure in view of the difficulties faced by the supervision procedure analyzed in the third chapter. Optimize the allocation of judicial resources.


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