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发布时间:2018-11-29 13:34
[Abstract]:The process of legal application is an application of "deductive reasoning mode of logical syllogism" in the judicial process: taking the right of claim as the core and taking the complete legal norms as the construction goal, the combination of laws and regulations is carried out and interpreted by law. Legal creation and other means of interpretation of the content of the law, forming the premise; Taking the facts of the case life stated by the parties as the starting point, filtering the evaluation factors of the parties, forming the "original facts of the case", and taking the intended application of legal norms as the guide to cut off the parts which have no normative significance, Form "legal facts with normative evaluation significance", and finally use the rules of evidence to form "legal facts to be verified", to complete the confirmation of legal facts in small premises; Combining the big premise with the small premise, the conclusion is derived by implication. The analysis and determination of the logical structure and process of the application of this kind of law not only has the formal value in the sense of methodology, but also limits the judge's discretion space through the formatting of the judge's thinking mode. To guarantee the unification of justice or "concurrent adjudication".
【作者单位】: 对外经济贸易大学法学院;


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