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发布时间:2018-11-29 14:13
【摘要】:当下,世界上许多现代法治国家在刑事立法中普遍采用亲属拒证权制度,这已经成为当今世界刑事立法的一种潮流。然而,根据我国现行法的规定,不管证人是否与犯罪嫌疑人、被告人具有亲属关系,凡是知道案件情况的,都有作证的义务。如果亲属证人拒绝作证,其必须承担相应的法律后果。虽然新修订的《刑事诉讼法》第一百八十八条规定了被告人的配偶、父母、子女可以不出庭作证,但法律仅是免除了近亲属证人出庭作证的义务,而非真正意义上的亲属拒证权制度。 鉴于我国刑事立法中亲属拒证权制度的缺失,本文首先从法理基础和诉讼价值两个层面阐述建立亲属拒证权制度的合理性和必要性:在法理依据方面,亲属拒证权制度契合了期待可能性、亲属法伦理价值以及契约和信赖理论;在诉讼价值方面,亲属拒证权制度不仅尊重和保障了亲属证人、犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的人权,体现了立法对个体权利的高度尊重,而且还避免了诉讼资源的浪费,提高了刑事诉讼效率,更达到了实现程序公正的目的。 其次,本文着重探究中国现今刑事立法中亲属拒证权制度缺失的现状、缺失的原因以及立法缺失所带来的弊端。在我国大陆不论是实体法还是程序法,均未对亲属拒证特权作出任何实质性的规定。亲属拒证权制度的缺失不仅源于我国建国后的具体国情,也深受前苏联刑事立法的影响。立法上的缺失不仅侵害了证人、犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的个体权利,而且也直接损害了司法的权威性,不利于和谐社会的构建。 最后,本文重点阐述我国亲属拒证权制度的具体设计,分别从主体范围、程序操作、例外情形以及保障措施四个方面对完善我国亲属拒证权制度提出建议。亲属拒证权制度适用的主体范围一般情况下为犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的近亲属人员,但考虑到实践中我国目前家庭构成模式的现状,特殊情况下,立法可将亲属拒证权的适用主体放宽到与犯罪嫌疑人、被告人有三代以内血亲关系或姻亲关系的人员;程序操作方面,立法应细化告知程序、申请和放弃程序以及审核程序,确保权利主体能够在实践中无障碍地行使自己的合法权利;同时,为避免个人权利的行使严重破坏国家法律的权威和人伦亲情,立法必须给亲属拒证权制度的适用设立一定的例外条件,具体为:亲属拒证权不适用于危害国家安全的犯罪、恐怖活动犯罪、黑社会性质的组织犯罪、不适用于被告人与其亲属间的共同犯罪以及不适用于针对家庭成员之间的犯罪;最后,为了保障亲属拒证权制度的顺利实施,立法应规定司法机关强制亲属作证应承担相应的法律后果,设立专门的亲属证人保护机构。
[Abstract]:At present, many modern countries under the rule of law in the world generally adopt the system of the right of relatives refusing to testify in criminal legislation, which has become a trend of criminal legislation in the world today. However, according to the current law of our country, no matter whether the witness is related to the suspect or not, the defendant has the obligation to testify. If a relative witness refuses to testify, it must bear the corresponding legal consequences. Although article 188 of the newly amended Code of Criminal procedure provides that the spouses, parents and children of the accused may not testify in court, the law merely exonerates witnesses of close relatives from the obligation to testify in court. Rather than the real sense of the right of relatives to refuse to testify system. In view of the absence of the system of the right of relatives refusing to testify in our criminal legislation, this paper first expounds the rationality and necessity of establishing the system of the right of refusal of proof of relatives from two aspects of the legal basis and the value of litigation: in the aspect of legal basis, The system of relatives' right to refuse proof fits the possibility of expectation, the ethical value of kinship law, and the theory of contract and trust; In the aspect of lawsuit value, the system not only respects and protects the human rights of the witnesses, suspects and defendants, but also avoids the waste of litigation resources. Improve the efficiency of criminal proceedings, but also achieve the goal of procedural justice. Secondly, this paper focuses on the current situation of the absence of the right of relatives refusing to testify in the present criminal legislation in China, the reasons for the absence and the drawbacks brought by the lack of legislation. In mainland China, neither substantive law nor procedural law makes any substantive provisions on the privilege of refusal of proof by relatives. The absence of the system of the right to refuse proof of relatives is not only due to the specific national conditions after the founding of the people's Republic of China, but also deeply influenced by the criminal legislation of the former Soviet Union. The lack of legislation not only infringes the individual rights of witnesses, criminal suspects and defendants, but also directly damages the authority of the judiciary and is not conducive to the construction of a harmonious society. Finally, this paper focuses on the specific design of the system of the right of refusal of proof of relatives in China, respectively from the main scope, procedural operations, exceptions and safeguards to improve the system of the right of refusal of proof of relatives in China. The subject scope of the application of the system of the right of relatives refusing to testify is generally the criminal suspect, the close relative of the defendant, but considering the present situation of the family constitution mode in our country in practice, under special circumstances, Legislation can relax the right of relatives to refuse to apply to criminal suspects, the defendant has three generations of kinship or affinity; In the aspect of procedure operation, the legislation should detail the procedure of informing, application and waiver, as well as the procedure of auditing, so as to ensure that the subject of right can exercise his legal right without hindrance in practice; At the same time, in order to prevent the exercise of individual rights from seriously undermining the authority of the state law and the relationship between the people, the legislation must establish certain exceptional conditions for the application of the system of relatives' refusal to testify. The main contents are as follows: the right of refusal of proof does not apply to crimes endangering national security, crimes of terrorist activities, organized crimes of underworld nature, joint crimes between defendants and their relatives, and crimes against family members; Finally, in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the system of relatives' right to refuse to testify, the legislation should stipulate that the judicial organs should bear the corresponding legal consequences and establish a special institution for the protection of relatives' witnesses.


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