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发布时间:2018-12-11 03:44
[Abstract]:Compared with specific administrative acts, administrative agreement is more easily accepted by relative parties because of its consultative nature, and is increasingly attached importance to by administrative organs. However, the non-mandatory administrative agreement makes the administrative organs into a dilemma: how to achieve the enforcement of the administrative agreement when the relative party does not perform the contractual obligations? The new law of administrative procedure brings the dispute of administrative agreement into the scope of accepting the case, which clarifies the relief path of the relative party when the administrative organ fails to perform the agreement, but does not pay attention to the bidirectional nature of the administrative agreement, and not only does it not solve the above-mentioned practical dilemma, On the contrary, there is a tendency of aggravation. By combing 38 cases of judicial review involving the enforcement of administrative agreements published in Peking University's magic treasures, we can conclude four different ways of enforcement in practice, and before and after the implementation of the new Administrative procedure Law. In judicial practice, the enforcement path of administrative agreement is not uniform. The nature of administrative agreement, the relationship between administrative agreement and administrative act is the key to the choice of administrative agreement enforcement path. The administrative agreement is both administrative and contractual. At the same time, through normative analysis and theoretical analysis, it is concluded that "administrative agreement" in the new administrative procedure law is regarded as the combination of administrative act and private law act, and "administrative act" is still a narrow administrative act. On this basis, there are some defects in the four paths in practice. At present, it is more appropriate to introduce voluntary acceptance as a form clause in the agreement. On the premise of not blocking the remedy way of relative party, it not only provides the right basis for administrative organ to apply for court enforcement, but also gives consideration to the administrative and contractual nature of administrative agreement. At the same time, by perfecting the design of non-litigation enforcement system, we can balance the public interest and the relative interests, and also ensure the effective achievement of the purpose of execution. The introduction of voluntary acceptance can adapt to the diversification of the types of administrative agreements. At the same time, as the market mechanism becomes more and more perfect, the commitments between the parties to the administrative agreements will be increasingly respected. This way of settling disputes by agreement also adapts to this trend.


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1 官强;;浅析“责令限期拆除”的法律属性[J];中国土地;2012年10期

2 于立深;;通过实务发现和发展行政合同制度[J];当代法学;2008年06期




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