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发布时间:2018-12-12 06:52
【摘要】:刑事执行是法定的国家专门机关将法院作出的已经发生法律效力的刑事裁判文书确定的内容付诸实施的活动。人民检察院是我国的法律监督机关,也是法定的刑事执行监督机关。刑事执行检察监督对于保障刑事被执行人的合法权益,促进刑事执行公正,防止刑事执行腐败,提高刑事执行效率,实现刑罚的功能和目的具有重要意义。2012年修订后的《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》虽然强化了人民检察院的刑事执行监督职能,但是,仍然存在刑事执行检察监督程序可操作性不强、监督机构设置不合理、监督时间滞后、监督手段刚性不足等问题。本论文旨在借鉴域外刑事执行检察监督的成功经验,为我国刑事执行检察监督制度的完善提供理论参考。 本文共分为四个部分: 第一部分,阐释刑事执行检察监督的涵义、特征及意义,为论文研究奠定理论基础。 第二部分,考察德国、法国、日本、俄罗斯等国家和我国台湾地区的刑事执行检察监督制度。在比较的基础上指出了域外刑事执行检察监督制度对我国的借鉴意义。 第三部分,分析我国刑事执行检察监督制度存在的主要问题,探究导致问题的主要原因。 第四部分,从确定刑事执行检察监督的范围,优化人民检察院刑事执行监督机构,建立与刑事执行同步的检察监督机制,强化刑事执行检察监督力度四个方面提出完善我国刑事执行检察监督制度的建议。
[Abstract]:Criminal execution is an activity that the legal specialized organs of the state put into practice the contents of the criminal adjudication instrument which has been made by the court. The people's Procuratorate is the legal supervision organ of our country, also is the legal criminal execution supervision organ. The procuratorial supervision of criminal execution can protect the lawful rights and interests of the criminal executor, promote the justice of the criminal execution, prevent the corruption of the criminal execution, and improve the efficiency of the criminal execution. It is of great significance to realize the function and purpose of punishment. Although the Criminal procedure Law of the people's Republic of China, as amended in 2012, has strengthened the functions of the people's Procuratorate in the supervision of criminal execution, however, There are still some problems, such as the operation of the procuratorial supervision procedure of criminal execution is not strong, the setting of the supervision organization is unreasonable, the supervision time is lagging behind, and the supervision means are not rigid enough, and so on. The purpose of this paper is to draw lessons from the successful experience of foreign criminal execution procuratorial supervision, and to provide theoretical reference for the perfection of our criminal execution procuratorial supervision system. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part explains the meaning, characteristics and significance of the procuratorial supervision of criminal execution, and lays a theoretical foundation for the research of the thesis. The second part examines the procuratorial supervision system of criminal execution in Germany, France, Japan, Russia and Taiwan. On the basis of comparison, the author points out the significance of the system of procuratorial supervision of foreign criminal execution to our country. The third part, analyzes the main problems existing in the procuratorial supervision system of criminal execution in China, and explores the main reasons leading to the problems. The fourth part, from determining the scope of the procuratorial supervision of criminal execution, optimizing the criminal execution supervision organ of the people's procuratorate, establishing a procuratorial supervision mechanism synchronized with the criminal execution, The author puts forward four suggestions on how to perfect the procuratorial supervision system of criminal execution in four aspects: strengthening the intensity of procuratorial supervision of criminal execution.


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