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发布时间:2018-12-12 14:47
[Abstract]:As we all know, in all cases of corruption and bribery crime, bribery crime is the most concealment, intelligence is the highest, the perpetrator is generally in the absence of a third person to participate in the case of "one-to-one" implementation, It is easy for both sides to form a firm community of interests and an offensive alliance, which leads to the difficulty of collecting evidence of guilt in bribery crimes. The use of the system of tainted witnesses in the investigation of bribery crimes can effectively solve the indispensable problem of obtaining evidence to prove the establishment of bribery. The key, direct verbal evidence plays the role of dividing and disintegrating the offensive alliance or community of interests among the bribery criminals, and helps us to crack down on the serious bribery cases. After the revision of the Criminal procedure Law, the principle of opposing forced self-incrimination has a great impact on the investigation of bribery, which relies on verbal evidence in particular, and the system of tainted witnesses is added to the criminal procedure law. Not only can we obtain testimony to solve the crime of bribery, but also can avoid this kind of serious human rights violation phenomenon of extorting confessions by torture. However, we also need to see that the system of tainted witnesses is essentially the key to obtaining the key and important evidence for the detection of bribery crimes through the exemption of the criminal liability of tainted witnesses, if a set of appropriate tainted witness systems cannot be constructed. It is easy to lead to unfair administration of justice, even justice corruption, such as perverting the law for selfish ends and indulging in crimes. Therefore, in order to apply the tainted witness system in the investigation of bribery in our country, we must fully consider the balance between necessity and judicial justice, draw lessons from the exemption system of foreign tainted witnesses and combine the level of judicial development and investigation practice of our country. Build step by step, perfect our country bribery crime stain witness system.


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