[Abstract]:The civil legal liability of notarization refers to the liability to return the notarization fee and compensate for the loss caused by the fault of the notary agency. The notary agency may issue the document intentionally or negligently. According to the degree of fault of notary agencies, bear the corresponding civil liability. The civil liability of notarization is caused by false evidence. Because the false evidence is usually caused by the intention or negligence in the process of notarization, its fault lies in the notary itself, or in the notary and the parties concerned. The property loss of the third party in this case has causality with the act of issuing false notarization document by the notary agency A, and the notary agency has serious fault, so the notarization agency of a should bear joint and several liability for the property loss of Yan Mou of the third party. In judicial practice, the judicial organs should strictly apply the principle of fault liability when dealing with cases of notarization compensation, and classify the acts of the notaries to issue false notarization documents. In addition, The judicial administrative department shall strengthen the supervision of notaries.
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