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发布时间:2018-12-13 15:35
[Abstract]:As early as the period of the New Democratic Revolution, the surveillance and residence system in our country came into being. Its intention at that time was to lighten the place of detention. The new revision of the Criminal procedure Law in 2012 is another major revision of the Criminal procedure Law in 1996. The amendment defines residential surveillance as an alternative measure of arrest. The 1996 Criminal procedure Code did not separate residential surveillance from bail pending trial. The 2012 regulations on residential surveillance are more detailed. The application of designated surveillance residence is clarified. It has certain positive significance for perfecting the system of compulsory measures in our country. But at the same time, there are some problems in the regulation of monitoring residence, especially the modification of designated residence. Before the writing of this paper, some domestic scholars have studied the problem of residential surveillance. Therefore, on the basis of other people's research, combined with the actual investigation, the author deeply explores the problems existing in the field of theory and practice. And put forward the relevant countermeasures and suggestions, in order to play a role in attracting jade, Qingzhen City to enlighten the judicial practice. The first part is the introduction, mainly introduces the research purpose, the research significance, the research method, the choice research object reason, the research situation. The second part is the text, this article mainly has three chapters, the first chapter has two sections, elaborated the Qing Zhen surveillance residential investigation statistical data analysis. The first section gives a basic overview of the survey subjects. The second section analyzes the questionnaire of this investigation, the second chapter includes two sections, the problem of monitoring the living in Qingzhen city and the reason of the problem are found in this research. The third chapter includes four sections, from the angle of judicial practice and legislative level, the author puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to improve the practice of monitoring residence system in Qingzhen City.


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