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发布时间:2018-12-13 20:14
【摘要】:附带上诉制度是大陆法系民事诉讼体系中的重要制度。主要的几个大陆法系国家和地区的民事诉讼法典中均规定了附带上诉,而在我国的民事诉讼法中则是缺位的。本文将梳理各国或地区的法典中附带上诉制度的立法体例,探讨附带上诉制度的法理基础,研究域外附带上诉制度的程序规制,,结合国内具体实践,探析附带上诉制度在我国本土化的具体程序构建,以完善我国的民事诉讼法体系。 本文除引言与结语外,正文分为三个部分,共计3万余字。 第一部分论述了附带上诉制度的立法体例与法理基础。从各国和地区的法院组织系统和上诉制度的连结中,引出附带上诉制度的各种立法体例,以第二审中的附带上诉制度为对象,对其概念进行定位,以上诉说与非上诉说两个学说为切入点探讨附带上诉制度的性质,奠定了附带上诉制度本质乃是上诉的的论点,进而从武器平等、诉讼公平、诉讼经济三方面,对附带上诉制度的目的进行了分析。 第二部分探讨了域外附带上诉制度的程序规制。对附带上诉制度的前提、当事人适格、内容、期限、提出程式等程序规则进行了仔细的梳理,剖析了被上诉人的上诉被处理过和舍弃附带上诉权两种情形的处理方法,并且探讨了如何对附带上诉进行审理与判决。 第三部分论探讨了我国附带上诉制度的程序构建。从附带上诉制度与上诉利益、二审审查范围、不利益变更禁止原则三者的关系论述了附带上诉制度的可行性,从平等保护双方当事人的需要和抑制不合理上诉的需要论证了附带上诉的必要性,进而借鉴各国或地区的立法规定,并结合我国实际的立法规定、司法环境以及诉讼理念,论证了如何构建符合我国国情的民事附带上诉制度。
[Abstract]:Incidental appeal system is an important system in civil litigation system of civil law system. Incidental appeal is stipulated in the civil procedure code of several countries and regions of continental law system, but it is absent in our country's civil procedure law. This paper will comb the legislative system of incidental appeal system in the codes of various countries or regions, discuss the legal basis of incidental appeal system, study the procedural regulation of extraterritorial incidental appeal system, and combine with the specific domestic practice. In order to perfect the system of civil procedure law, this paper probes into the concrete procedure construction of the system of incidental appeal in our country. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the text is divided into three parts, a total of 30,000 words. The first part discusses the legislative style and legal basis of appellate system. From the connection of the court organization system and the appeal system of various countries and regions, this paper introduces the various legislative styles of the incidental appeal system, taking the incidental appeal system in the second instance as the object, and positioning its concept. The above two theories are the starting point to explore the nature of the incidental appeal system, which establishes the argument that the nature of the incidental appeal system is an appeal, and then from the three aspects of weapon equality, litigation fairness, litigation economy, The purpose of the incidental appeal system is analyzed. The second part discusses the procedural regulation of extraterritorial incidental appeal system. The premise of the system of incidental appeal, the suitability of the parties, the content, the time limit, the procedure and other procedural rules are carefully combed, and the methods of handling the appellee's appeal have been dealt with and the appellants' rights of incidental appeal have been abandoned are analyzed. And discussed how to carry on the trial and the judgment to the incidental appeal. The third part discusses the procedure construction of China's incidental appeal system. This paper discusses the feasibility of the incidental appeal system from the relationship between the system of incidental appeal and the interest of appeal, the scope of the second instance review, and the principle of prohibition of no change of interest. From the needs of equal protection of both parties and the need to suppress unreasonable appeals, this paper demonstrates the necessity of incidental appeals, and then draws lessons from the legislative provisions of various countries or regions, and combines with the actual legislative provisions, judicial environment and litigation concepts of our country. It demonstrates how to construct the civil incidental appeal system in accordance with the national conditions of our country.


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