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发布时间:2018-12-14 07:12
【摘要】:我国引进录音录像制度的时间并不长。但是,就目前而言,录音录像制度在刑事司法实践得到了广泛的应用。从整体上看,录音录像制度的应用,给司法法治带来的利大于弊。但是该制度尚未完全成形,现行的规范也无法使该制度发挥最大的作用,同时在理论层面对该制度进一步的完善也缺乏相应的指导。从上世纪90年代开始,录音录像制度广泛应用于各类案件的侦办,期间出现的问题颇多,笔者对这些问题进行了总结和分析。 分析问题,是为了在实践中更好的将其完善。针对这一制度的完善,笔者提出了自己的想法:首先,录音录像制度的意义是十分重大的,所以该制度毫无疑问是要纳入现行法的范畴。其次,在该制度的设计上,笔者对主要国家和地区的相关制度进行了考察和总结,将值得我国借鉴的地方予以了重点的陈述。此外,笔者还对我国该制度运行的现状及重点问题进行了逐一的分析。最后,笔者根据上述的考察和分析,提出了录音录像在制度层面的改革思路以及在现行法律规定之下该制度实践运行需要注意的地方。 在制度层面的改革思路,,笔者提出了如下的方案:首先,在录音录像的规范范围上,借鉴美国、香港等国家(地区)相关制度的规定,扩大应当录音录像案件的范围。其次,在录音录像的操作程序上,笔者借鉴了的台湾和英国的相关制度规定,第一,应当将录制的画面要求予以制度化。第二,应当完善非法证据排除规则。最后,要规范录音录像制度的监督系统。第一,要保证大多数时候的录音场所——看守所保持绝对的中立,第二,尽可能的引进讯问录音录像律师在场制度,第三,建立中立的第三方的录音录像材料保存机构。 在实践层面,现行的法律制度不可能立即更改,所以为了保障录音录像制度能够顺利的运行,在现行的法律制度之下,笔者强调了以下几点:第一,要全程的进行录音录像。第二,实践操作时,确保录音录像程序一定要合理,例如,履行告知义务,细节之处要做到尽善尽美等等。第三,努力完善录音录像的救济途径。鼓励律师及犯罪嫌疑人对侦查讯问机关的不当行为提出申诉及控告。
[Abstract]:The introduction of audio and video recording system in China is not long. However, at present, audio and video recording system has been widely used in criminal justice practice. On the whole, the application of audio and video recording system brings more advantages than disadvantages to the administration of justice. However, the system has not been fully formed, the current norms can not make the system play the greatest role, at the same time in the theoretical level to further improve the system is also lack of corresponding guidance. Since the 1990s, audio and video recording system has been widely used in the investigation and handling of various cases, during which there are many problems. The author summarizes and analyzes these problems. The purpose of analyzing problems is to perfect them better in practice. In view of the perfection of this system, the author puts forward his own idea: firstly, the significance of audio and video recording system is very great, so the system is undoubtedly to be brought into the scope of current law. Secondly, in the design of the system, the author reviews and summarizes the relevant systems of the major countries and regions, and makes a key statement of the places that our country can learn from. In addition, the author analyzes the current situation and key problems of the system in China one by one. Finally, according to the above investigation and analysis, the author puts forward the reform ideas of audio and video recording at the system level and the points needing attention in practice operation of the system under the current law. At the system level, the author puts forward the following proposals: first, in the standard range of audio and video recording, draw lessons from the relevant systems of the United States, Hong Kong and other countries (regions), expand the scope of audio and video cases. Secondly, in the operation procedure of audio and video recording, the author draws lessons from the relevant regulations of Taiwan and Britain. First, the requirement of recording picture should be institutionalized. Second, we should perfect the exclusion rules of illegal evidence. Finally, to standardize the system of audio and video surveillance system. First, to ensure that most of the recording place-detention center to remain absolutely neutral, second, as far as possible to introduce the presence of audiovisual lawyers, third, the establishment of neutral third party audio and video material preservation institutions. In practice, the current legal system can not be changed immediately, so in order to ensure the sound and video recording system can run smoothly, under the current legal system, the author emphasized the following points: first, the whole process of audio and video recording. Second, in practice, make sure that audio and video recording procedures must be reasonable, for example, fulfill the obligation to inform, the details should be perfect and so on. Third, try to perfect the relief ways of audio and video recording. Lawyers and suspects are encouraged to lodge complaints and charges against misconduct by investigative and interrogation agencies.


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