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发布时间:2018-12-15 05:46
[Abstract]:As to the relationship between judicial power and executive power in civil cases, there are many differences of views in the theoretical circle, some think that they should belong to the same subject, others think that they should be completely separated and belong to different subjects. In the course of the development of the system of civil adjudication and enforcement in our country, the judicial power and the executive power are intertwined with each other in the same subject, but until now, the logical relationship between the judicial power and the executive power has not been completely straightened out. As a result, it is difficult to adapt to the needs of judicial practice under the new situation, and the people complain a lot about the civil execution of the court. Strengthening the theoretical study on the relationship between adjudication and execution in civil cases is conducive to correctly handling the logical relationship between judicial power and executive power in practice and promoting the normative operation of judicial and executive power. The relationship between trial and execution in civil cases in our country has experienced different historical stages from "combination of trial and execution" to "relative separation of trial and enforcement". However, from the current stage, the current system of trial and enforcement in our country has the realistic necessity of reform and the necessity of legal theory. The necessity of reality includes the phenomenon of "difficult execution" and "chaos of execution", and the people's court's working concept and work force cannot meet the actual needs. The necessity of legal theory includes the contradiction between the nature of execution and the judicial attribute of the people's court and the logical contradiction between the self-adjudication and the self-enforcement of the people's court. Referring to the implementation system model of foreign countries and the present situation of execution in China, the traditional concept of the people and the purpose of saving judicial resources and integrating administrative resources, the relationship between trial and execution in China should adopt the mode of "complete separation of adjudication and execution". The judicial power is exercised by the people's court, and the executive power is completely separated from the people's court and exercised by the administrative organ. Among the many administrative organs, the public security organs are the best subjects to exercise the executive power. The public security organs themselves belong to the administrative organs and have the characteristics of the administrative organs, which are consistent with the nature of the executive power. Compared with the people's court as the judicial organ, the people's court has the attribute advantage, and the public security organ has its own characteristics compared with other administrative organs. The public security organ has the advantage of legal specialty, the advantage of coercive power, and the advantage of obtaining information. In addition, the deterrent power of public security organs is obviously higher than that of other administrative organs. When the public security organ exercises the power of execution, the power of execution shall be further subdivided into the power of execution and the power of execution, and the power of execution shall be assigned to the court, and the power of execution shall be handed over to the public security organ. Avoid the phenomenon of "athletes referees in the same body". The public security organs should pay attention to the construction of the system, including the implementation of the start-up, the implementation of measures and the implementation of supervision, to ensure that the operation of the executive power can be governed by rules and regulations, and put the power in the cage of the system.


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