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发布时间:2018-12-15 06:20
[Abstract]:In civil action, the right of procedural dissent is the right of one party to accuse the accused court and the litigant of the other party to violate the procedure and claim its invalidity. The basis of the right of procedural dissent is to ensure the legal and proper conduct of the civil procedure and to maintain the stability of the procedure. The parties should exercise the procedural objection right in time, and the delay will lead to the loss of the procedural dissent right. The litigant may abandon the procedural dissent right, but it is limited to the litigation behavior regulated by the procedural norm of private interest, which is aimed at the main or special procedural interests such as the convenience of the litigant. The parties' right to abandon the procedural dissent and the loss of the procedural dissent have the same legal effect, that is, the procedural defects existing in the breach of the proceedings are eliminated due to the parties' failure to raise objections in time or to give up the dissent. And become an effective litigation act from the beginning.
【作者单位】: 武汉大学法学院;


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