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发布时间:2018-12-16 16:28
[Abstract]:The equality of prosecution and defense is one of the basic theorems of the theory of due process. From 1979 to 2012, the legislation continued to inject the right of attack and defense to the criminal defense, but the quality of the criminal defense was not obtained the same output because of the input. The initial reasons for the low efficiency of expanding the external institutional supply lie in the shallow entry threshold of criminal defense lawyers, the low barriers to knowledge and the resulting low returns and adverse selection of outstanding personnel. Lawyers form a firm, mainly based on cost accounting, which makes the firm always a weak aggregate. Compared with the public prosecution organs under the principle of "procuratorial integration", the atomized criminal defense lawyers are not strong enough. In the pursuit of a single profit goal, lawyers are focusing more on quoting, developing the source and socializing, and slowly updating their knowledge. Under the pressure of cost, lawyers "do whatever cases", the degree of specialization is difficult to improve. It is difficult to detect the effect of criminal defense and other factors, but also has a weaker incentive to criminal defense lawyers, which leads to some criminal defense lawyers work in more non-intellectual activities, and the quality of criminal defense products is reduced.
【作者单位】: 上海同济大学法学院;


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