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发布时间:2018-12-17 09:01
【摘要】:检察阶段的未成年人刑事案件社会调查制度已经为国内立法所确认并被司法实务所认可。未成年人刑事案件社会调查制度作为检察阶段保护未成年人权益的一项重要制度,立法方面对社会调查的主体、内容、方法以及社会调查员的介入时间、约束机制等事项尚未作出具体的规定。立法不完善,导致该制度在检察实践中落实状况不佳,有的地区甚至根本没有开展。即使在检察阶段开展未成年人刑事案件社会调查制度的地区,由于没有统一规则的指导,各地的做法也是各具特色。为此,对实践中存在的缺陷进行分析,明确检察阶段未成年人刑事案件社会调查制度的性质,为完善立法提供借鉴,为提高检察阶段未成年人刑事案件社会调查制度的适用积累经验。 本文首先深入研究和整理了未成年人刑事案件社会调查制度的理论基础和法律依据,然后探析了部分国外的法律制度和规定,然后详细介绍了我国部分地区实践中的各种做法。通过调研、比对,发现我国未成年人刑事案件社会调查制度存在的一些问题。例如调查主体不统一,调查内容不具体,调查主体权责不明确等问题。最后,,从各方面对我国检察阶段未成年人刑事案件社会调查制度提出了一些完善建议,力求通过具体、明确、规范化的司法程序对其加以保障。
[Abstract]:The social investigation system of juvenile criminal cases in procuratorial stage has been confirmed by domestic legislation and recognized by judicial practice. As an important system for protecting the rights and interests of minors in the procuratorial stage, the social investigation system of juvenile criminal cases is the main body, content, method and time of intervention of social investigators in legislation. Restraint mechanism and other matters have not been made specific provisions. Imperfect legislation leads to poor implementation of the system in procuratorial practice, and in some areas it has not been carried out at all. Even in the areas where the social investigation system of juvenile criminal cases is carried out in the procuratorial stage, because of the lack of the guidance of uniform rules, the local practices have their own characteristics. Therefore, this paper analyzes the defects in practice, clarifies the nature of the social investigation system of juvenile criminal cases in procuratorial stage, and provides reference for the perfection of legislation. In order to improve the procuratorial stage of juvenile criminal cases social investigation system application accumulated experience. This paper studies and arranges the theoretical basis and legal basis of the social investigation system of juvenile criminal cases at first, then probes into the legal system and regulations of some foreign countries, and then introduces in detail various practices in the practice in some parts of our country. Through investigation and comparison, we find some problems existing in the social investigation system of juvenile criminal cases in our country. For example, the subject of investigation is not unified, the content of investigation is not specific, the power and responsibility of the subject are not clear and so on. Finally, the author puts forward some perfect suggestions on the social investigation system of juvenile criminal cases in the procuratorial stage of our country from various aspects, and tries to guarantee it through concrete, clear and standardized judicial procedure.


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