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发布时间:2018-12-17 19:25
[Abstract]:Although the Civil procedure Law provides for the interest on debts during the period of delay in performance, it is more principled. The Supreme people's Court has issued the explanation on the Law applicable to the calculation of the interest on debts during the period of delayed performance in the execution procedure, to the cardinality, Interest rates, initial periods, etc., are provided for, but there are still problems in determining whether interest on general debts, litigation costs and other expenses are included in the base, interest rates for the same period and the benchmark time frame, etc. The Supreme people's Court's judicial interpretation of the application of the Civil procedure Law is still unclear. In order to clarify the existing problems, we should start with the following aspects: general debt interest should not be included in the category of base number, litigation expenses such as case acceptance fees should be distinguished, and other costs such as identification fees should be included in the category of base numbers. The interest rate for the same period shall be calculated at 1.75/10000 per day, and the effective legal documents shall not specify that double payment of interest on the delayed performance of debts shall be paid, and the deadline for the period of delay in performance shall be fixed on the date on which the applicant actually receives the execution money, Delay in performance shall be determined on the basis of the number of days actually passed.
【作者单位】: 长安大学法学系;


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