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发布时间:2018-12-18 02:37
[Abstract]:Extorting confessions by torture is an ugly phenomenon that seriously violates human rights. In the long slave society and feudal society, extorting confessions by torture is a very common means of obtaining evidence, and such behavior is legal. With the development of society and the progress of civilization, as well as the arrival of the European bourgeois revolution, the vast number of enlightenment thinkers regarded this cruel torture as a typical representative of the cruel punishment in the Middle Ages and made a severe attack on it. In our country, extorting confessions by torture has existed for thousands of years. It has not only seriously violated human rights, but also damaged the reputation of the judicial organs. Extorting confessions by torture has become a persistent disease left over from history and has not been prohibited in judicial practice. Since the founding of New China in 1949, Various legislative and judicial measures prohibiting torture and illegal detention have been gradually adopted. Meanwhile, on December 12, 1986, China signed the Convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, hereinafter referred to as the United Nations Convention against torture. Its aim is to effectively regulate the act of extorting confessions by torture. But in judicial practice every year there are cases of extorting confessions by torture. These shocking typical cases have seriously violated the personal rights of suspects and defendants and destroyed the credibility of the judiciary and the awe of the law by the general public. In order to further improve the rule of law, protect human rights, effectively regulate the occurrence of extortion of confessions by torture. According to the origin, characteristics, history and current situation of extorting confessions by torture, the author makes a deep reflection on legislation and judicial exploration, and legislates on the regulation of extorting confessions by torture. The judicial aspect makes the beneficial summary and the exploration.


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