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发布时间:2018-12-19 14:13
【摘要】:刑事附带民事诉讼制度是我国刑事立法中的重要内容,是刑事司法救济途径之一,自我国《刑事诉讼法》制定以来,就已确立,在保护被害人民事权益,减轻当事人诉累,避免司法资源浪费等方面发挥了一定的积极作用。随着司法实践的逐步深入,司法理念的不断深化,个人权利意识的迅速觉醒,附带民事诉讼制度的内在矛盾日渐凸显,暴露出一系列的现实问题,甚至越演越烈,严重背离了其立法初衷。刑事附带民事诉讼制度这种矛盾重重的制度现实,已经无法通过制度完善的方式来彻底消除。综观域外法治国家的立法现状,刑、民分离已成为一种国际趋势,为维护法律的统一性和权威性、保障被害人和被告人的合法权利、保障诉讼程序的科学性,本文提出贯彻刑民分离的理念,废止刑事附带民事诉讼制度。 文章除引言和结语外共四部分。第一部分对域外法治国家刑事被害人民事侵权赔偿问题的立法模式作简要概述,介绍了我国附带民事诉讼制度立法概况及存在的问题,并简单的概括法学界对该制度的改革主张。第二部分全面分析我国刑事附带民事诉讼制度的内在矛盾冲突,从刑事诉讼与民事诉讼的矛盾、刑事附带民事诉讼与刑事诉讼的矛盾、刑事附带民事诉讼与民事诉讼的矛盾以及刑事附带民事诉讼的内部矛盾四个方面详细解读现行该制度矛盾重重的制度现实,从制度层面上对其提出质疑与抨击。第三部分具体介绍我国刑事附带民事诉讼制度面临的实践困境,具体从当事人合法权益得不到保障,调解在刑事附带民事诉讼中的功能异化两个方面说明我国刑事附带民事诉讼制度在实际运行中逐渐暴露出的问题。最后一部分主要是设计一套适合我国国情的犯罪民事损害赔偿制度,在立足我国司法实际并借鉴域外相关成功法治经验的基础上,提出从完善刑事和解制度中被害人权益的保障和犯罪赔偿民事诉讼制度以及构建刑事被害人国家补偿制度三方面解决刑事被害人民事赔偿问题的可行性方案,以确保被害人的合法权利得到全面保护,实现诉讼程序科学化。
[Abstract]:The system of criminal incidental civil action is an important part of criminal legislation and one of the ways of criminal judicial relief. Since the establishment of Criminal procedure Law, it has been established to protect the civil rights and interests of the victims and to alleviate the litigants' burden. To avoid the waste of judicial resources and other aspects have played a positive role. With the deepening of judicial practice, the deepening of judicial idea, the rapid awakening of individual consciousness of right, the inherent contradiction of incidental civil litigation system is becoming more and more prominent, which exposes a series of realistic problems, even more and more serious. It deviates from its legislative intention seriously. Criminal incidental civil procedure system, which is full of contradictions, can not be completely eliminated by perfect system. In order to safeguard the unity and authority of the law, the legal rights of the victims and the defendants, and the scientific nature of the proceedings, the separation of punishment and the people has become an international trend. This article puts forward to carry out the concept of separation of criminal and civilian and abolish the system of criminal incidental civil action. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, there are four parts. The first part gives a brief overview of the legislative model of tort compensation for criminal victims in extra-territorial countries ruled by law, and introduces the legislative overview and existing problems of the system of incidental civil proceedings in China. And a brief summary of the legal circles of the reform of the system. The second part comprehensively analyzes the inherent contradictions and conflicts in the system of criminal incidental civil action, from the contradictions between criminal proceedings and civil proceedings, and between criminal incidental civil proceedings and criminal proceedings. The contradiction between the criminal incidental civil action and the internal contradiction between the criminal incidental civil action and the internal contradiction of the criminal incidental civil action are analyzed in detail, and the system reality of the current system is analyzed in detail, and it is questioned and criticized from the system level. The third part concretely introduces the practical dilemma that our criminal incidental civil litigation system faces, specifically from the parties' legitimate rights and interests can not be protected. The dissimilation of the function of mediation in the criminal incidental civil action illustrates the problems gradually exposed in the actual operation of our country's criminal incidental civil action system. The last part is mainly to design a suit of criminal civil damage compensation system suitable for our country's national conditions, based on the judicial practice of our country and the experience of the successful rule of law in foreign countries. The feasible scheme to solve the problem of civil compensation for criminal victims is put forward from three aspects: perfecting the protection of victims' rights and interests in the criminal reconciliation system, the civil litigation system of criminal compensation and the construction of national compensation system for criminal victims. In order to ensure that the legal rights of victims are fully protected, the realization of scientific proceedings.


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