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发布时间:2018-12-19 16:48
【摘要】:民事案件执行难已成为影响我国司法权威的重要问题,也是人民群众反映强烈、社会各界极为关注的热点问题。执行难问题的产生和存在,是各种因素相互交织、各种矛盾相互作用的集中体现,不仅严重影响人民法院的司法权威,而且损害了人民群众的合法权益。执行难的原因有很多种,有我们国家体制和制度上的不完善,也有法院内部的一些原因,尽管现在这个问题已经引起各方面的关注和探索,但是如何从根本上破解仍然是摆在我们面前的一大难题。目前学术界和实务界都在大力探求解决执行难的途径和方法,取得了许多宝贵经验。 论文对民事案件执行难问题进行研究,并提出了一些建议,希望能为解决执行难问题有所帮助。论文主要分三个部分。 论文第一部分是关于民事案件执行难问题的概述。主要介绍了执行难问题在我国的发展现状。从强制执行的概念入手,探讨了民事案件执行难问题的界定,分析了我国民事案件执行难的历史沿革和发展历程,指出了我国民事案件执行难所带来的的社会危害,作者结合执行实践,对执行难的现实特征总结了被执行人难找、应执行财产难执行、抗拒执行难究等六个方面的表现形式。论文第一部分主要运用了文献法、数据分析法、比较法。 论文第二部分主要从比较法的角度,对国外民事案件执行立法进行了比较研究,分析了国外执行权的划分模式以及国外强制执行立法所采用的主要模式,选取代表英美法系和大陆法系的几个代表性国家以及台湾地区的民事执行立法状况进行分析比较。这些国家和地区的一些先进执行理念和科学操作方法很值得我国吸收、借鉴,对完善我国的执行法律体系,解决民事案件执行难问题有很强的指导意义。 论文第三部分是重点,论述了解决民事案件执行难的法律思考与对策。对执行难原因进行了深刻剖析,导致执行难的原因主要有四个方面,一是执行立法体系不健全、二是执行体制不完善、三是执行工作自身的问题、四是受到地方保护主义的阻碍。必须坚持统筹兼顾、标本兼治、多管齐下、综合施策的原则,全面加强执行工作。一是要加强执行立法工作,完善执行法律体系。主要分析了现行执行法律体系的不足,提出了通过完善执行专门的强制执行法、制定专门的强制执行法、完善《民事诉讼法》中的执行条款、完善刑法中对拒不执行判决裁定行为的惩处体系、完善被执行人财产申报和财产管理制度等法律制度强化执行的法律体系。二是改革执行管理体系,丰富执行强制措施。从完善执行管理机构、加大强制执行力度、丰创新执行思路措施方面,对法院的执行工作提出具体要求。三是完善司法环境,构建执行长效机制。通过完善执行联动机制、构建社会诚信体系、完善执行救助体系形成完善的执行工作的长效机制。
[Abstract]:The difficulty of execution of civil cases has become an important issue affecting the judicial authority of our country, and it is also a hot issue that the masses of the people strongly respond to and people from all walks of life pay close attention to. The emergence and existence of the difficult problem of execution is the combination of various factors and contradictions, which not only seriously affects the judicial authority of the people's court, but also damages the legitimate rights and interests of the people. There are many reasons for the difficulty of implementation, including the imperfections of our national system and system, and some reasons within the Court, although this issue has now attracted attention and exploration from all sides. However, how to fundamentally solve it is still a big problem in front of us. At present, the academic and practical circles are vigorously exploring the ways and methods to solve the difficulties of implementation, and have gained a lot of valuable experience. This paper makes a study on the difficult problem of execution of civil cases, and puts forward some suggestions, hoping that it can be helpful to solve the difficult problem of execution. The paper is divided into three parts. The first part of this paper is an overview of the difficult problems in civil cases. This paper mainly introduces the current situation of the implementation problem in our country. Starting with the concept of compulsory execution, this paper probes into the definition of the difficulty in civil case execution, analyzes on the historical evolution and development course of the civil case execution difficulty in our country, and points out the social harm brought by the difficulty of civil case execution in China. Combined with the practice of execution, the author sums up six forms of expression, such as the difficulty of finding the executor, the difficulty of executing property, the difficulty of resisting the investigation of execution, and so on. The first part of the paper mainly uses the literature method, the data analysis method, the comparison method. The second part of the paper mainly from the perspective of comparative law, the implementation of foreign civil cases legislation comparative study, analysis of the foreign enforcement power of the division of the mode and foreign enforcement legislation adopted the main model. Several representative countries representing Anglo-American law system and civil law system as well as Taiwan are selected to analyze and compare the civil execution legislation. Some advanced execution concepts and scientific operation methods of these countries and regions are worthy of our country's absorbing and drawing lessons from, and have strong guiding significance to perfect our country's enforcement law system and solve the difficult problem of civil cases' execution. The third part focuses on the legal thinking and countermeasures to solve the difficulties in the execution of civil cases. This paper makes a deep analysis of the reasons for the difficulties in execution. The main reasons for the difficulties in execution are four aspects: first, the implementation legislation system is not perfect; the second is the implementation system is not perfect; and the third is the problems of the implementation work itself. Fourth, it is hindered by local protectionism. We must adhere to the principle of overall consideration, treatment of both symptoms and causes, multi-pronged approach and comprehensive implementation. First, it is necessary to strengthen the implementation of legislation, improve the implementation of the legal system. This paper mainly analyzes the shortcomings of the current enforcement law system, and puts forward that the enforcement provisions in the Civil procedure Law should be improved by perfecting the enforcement law, formulating a special enforcement law, and improving the enforcement provisions in the Civil procedure Law. We should perfect the punishment system of refusing to execute the judgment and order in the criminal law, and strengthen the enforcement of the legal system such as the property declaration and property management system of the person executed. Second, reform the executive management system and enrich enforcement measures. From the aspects of perfecting the executive management organization, strengthening the enforcement force and innovating the measures of executive thinking, the author puts forward the concrete requirements for the execution of the court. Third, improve the judicial environment and build a long-term enforcement mechanism. By perfecting the execution linkage mechanism, constructing the social credit system and perfecting the execution relief system, the long effect mechanism of the execution work is formed.


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