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发布时间:2018-12-20 16:23
【摘要】:随着社会经济不断发展,民事纠纷的数量与类型与日俱增,司法面临着前所未有的压力。在这一背景下,以方便诉讼为主题的新一轮司法改革在全球范围内展开,小额诉讼程序应运而生并得到较快发展。近年来,我国司法机关特别是基层法院面临案多人少、效率低下的突出矛盾,为寻求解决途径,我国学习和借鉴美国、日本等国实行小额诉讼程序的成功经验,在2012年新修订的《民事诉讼法》中首次引入小额诉讼制度,并自2013年1月起在全国基层法院推行小额诉讼程序。 正文内容主要包括五个部分: 第一部分,小额诉讼程序概述。此部分介绍了小额诉讼程序产生的相关背景,小额诉讼程序的概念内涵,并且将其与简易程序、小额速裁机制等类似的程序机制做了比较区分,阐释了完善小额诉讼程序的理论基础以及功能定位。 第二部分,小额诉讼程序的比较研究。此部分重点介绍了美国、英国、日本和我国台湾地区小额诉讼程序的立法及实践情况,并对其共性进行了归纳。 第三部分,我国现行立法特点。此部分介绍我国小额诉讼程序的立法特点,并作了评述。 第四部分,小额诉讼程序的实证分析。此部分着重在南京市基层法院的调研内容上,从调研所得中发现和归纳问题,并对小额诉讼程序实施效果不理想的原因进行了分析。 第五部分,我国小额诉讼程序的完善。此部分为本文的重点部分,根据实际情况并借鉴国外先进立法经验,对小额诉讼程序的具体程序设计提出了完善建议。
[Abstract]:With the development of social economy and the increasing number and type of civil disputes, the judiciary is facing unprecedented pressure. In this context, a new round of judicial reform with the theme of convenient litigation has been carried out in the world, and the small claims procedure has emerged as the times require and developed rapidly. In recent years, the judicial organs of our country, especially the basic level courts, are faced with the prominent contradiction of the large number of cases and low efficiency. In order to find a solution, our country has learned and learned from the successful experiences of the United States, Japan and other countries in the implementation of small claims proceedings. The small claims system was introduced for the first time in the newly revised Code of Civil procedure in 2012, and the small claims procedure has been implemented in the basic courts of the country since January 2013. The main body includes five parts: the first part, the summary of small claims procedure. This part introduces the relevant background of the small claims procedure, the concept connotation of the small claims procedure, and compares it with the summary procedure, the small amount quick adjudication mechanism and so on similar procedure mechanism. It explains the theoretical basis and function orientation of perfecting the small claims procedure. The second part, the comparative study of small claims procedure. This part mainly introduces the legislation and practice of small claims procedure in the United States, Britain, Japan and Taiwan, and sums up its generality. The third part, China's current legislative characteristics. This part introduces the legislative characteristics of small claims procedure in China, and makes a comment. The fourth part, the empirical analysis of small claims procedure. This part focuses on the research content of the basic court of Nanjing, finds and induces the problems from the investigation results, and analyzes the reasons why the effect of the small claims procedure is not satisfactory. The fifth part, the consummation of the small claims procedure in our country. This part is the key part of this paper, according to the actual situation and foreign advanced legislative experience, the author puts forward some suggestions to improve the procedure design of the small claims procedure.


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