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发布时间:2018-12-24 09:26
[Abstract]:As an important stage for procuratorial organs to deal with cases, the stage of examining and arresting has been deeply concerned by the industry. In 2010, the "two evidence provisions", which explicitly gave the procuratorial organs the power to exclude illegal evidence at the stage of approving arrest, The new Criminal procedure Code, as amended in 2012, does not provide for this power of prosecution. Later in the people's Procuratorate in the Criminal procedure Law rules. The newly revised Criminal procedure Law has clear provisions on the scope of illegal exclusion of evidence, public prosecution and the procedure of excluding illegal evidence in the trial stage, but as for the specific implementation methods and steps, the new rules have not been explained in detail. It is obvious that the adjustment of rules not only makes it difficult to understand the law, but also causes some problems in practice. If the procuratorial organ can examine the evidence and exclude illegal evidence at the stage of examination and arrest, it will not only help to improve the quality of the case review work, but also further safeguard the due rights of the criminal suspect. It can help to ensure the legitimacy of the evidence obtained in the early stage and lay a good foundation for the follow-up stage. At present, scholars pay more attention to the exclusion of illegal evidence in the trial stage, and have carried out a lot of research, but they have not paid much attention to the exclusion of illegal evidence at the stage of examination and arrest, and the research is relatively few. Starting from the domestic judicial practice, this paper analyzes the maneuverability of the procuratorial organs to strengthen the exclusion of illegal evidence in the stage of examination and arrest, and combines the theory and practice of the procedural law related to the examination of the arrest stage as the basis. Discuss how to exclude illegal evidence at the stage of examining arrest. The main content of this paper is divided into five parts: introduction, text and conclusion, there are five parts of the text, the specific content is as follows: the first part mainly analyzes the procuratorial organ as the basis of the exclusion of illegal evidence; The second part analyzes the arrest stage is the best time for procuratorial organs to exclude illegal evidence; the third part analyzes the difficulties in application; the fourth part analyzes the specific realization path; the fifth part analyzes the practical program design.


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