[Abstract]:The administrative litigation system of our country is established gradually with the development of socialist commodity economy and democratic politics after carrying out the policy of reform and opening up. The establishment of administrative litigation system not only conforms to the needs of the times, but also the product of historical development, at the same time, there is a process of gradual establishment and development. Since the implementation of the Administrative procedure Law, the number of cases accepted by the people's courts has generally maintained a growing momentum, and the items accepted involve almost all areas of administration. New types of administrative cases are constantly appearing and are accepted, tried and adjudicated by the people's courts. It has basically realized the double purpose of supervising administration and protecting rights. However, there are still some problems, such as that the scope of the case is not universally realized, that the plaintiff is difficult to sue, that it is difficult to file a case, that the plaintiff's rate of success is not high, that the provisions of the judgment are not fully followed, and that some provisions of the Administrative procedure Law are mere formality and so on. Some necessary conditions for the operation of administrative litigation system have not been fully met, which determines that the recent revision can only be refined and non-ultimate.
【作者单位】: 武汉大学法学院;
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