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发布时间:2018-12-29 13:10
[Abstract]:Due to its function of communication theory and practice, the application path of the principle of the protection of trust interests plays an extremely important role in the overall framework of the principle. After the change from 2000 to 2016, the application framework of this principle in the theoretical circle has formed a more solid system of applicable elements through the process of "three elements" taking the lead, and gradually rising "the four elements". However, in practice, this system has created a dilemma of application. Judges face the actual need of dispute resolution and the current situation of insufficient external knowledge supply, through their own independent practice. Gradually, there are two suitable models of "trust interest generated by government action as the basis of trust" and "trust foundation and objective behavior of relative person generate trust interest together". At the specific level of application, the attitude of the Supreme people's Court to these two models is wavering. However, the system logic of "policy enforcement" and the tradition of "legalism" in judicial review are the fundamental reasons for the above wobble in the court system of our country.
【作者单位】: 浙江大学光华法学院;


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