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发布时间:2018-12-30 14:42
[Abstract]:Death penalty is one of the most severe ways to punish crime. The application of death penalty is related to human life. Therefore, the death penalty system, China has taken a very cautious attitude. Because of the particularity of death penalty cases, the rules of trial procedure of death penalty cases in our country are more strict than those of ordinary criminal cases. From the current point of view, our country has made a lot of special provisions for the trial procedure of death penalty cases, such as the time limit of the death penalty cases, the death penalty review procedures and so on. However, there are still many areas to be improved. For example, there are some defects and problems such as the standard of proof of death penalty cases is too general, the defense function of the defender is difficult to give full play, the death penalty review procedure lacks the limitation of time limit and so on. At the same time, Japan and the United States are typical representatives of the application of the death penalty in developed countries, their special provisions in the application of the death penalty are different from the death penalty procedure in our country. The procedure and system provisions of death penalty cases in these countries are of great significance to the perfection and reform of the death penalty trial procedure in our country. Our country can refer to and draw lessons from the death penalty trial system of the United States and Japan, and at the same time, concretely aim at the problems of the death penalty trial procedure in our country. This paper is divided into five parts altogether. The first part is about the necessity of perfecting the death penalty trial procedure in our country. The second part mainly expounds the special requirements of the death penalty trial procedure in our country. The third part focuses on the analysis of the current death penalty trial system in China in various aspects of the defects and contradictions, the fourth part of a brief introduction of similar systems abroad, the fifth part and the third part echo. The main purpose is to find practical solutions to the various problems raised in the third part, and to find a way of thinking for the perfection of the trial procedures of death penalty cases in our country. The countermeasures and suggestions are put forward for the improvement of the relevant work of the public security and judicial organs in China from various aspects.


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