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发布时间:2018-12-30 16:54
【摘要】:本文对我国刑事被害人的权利现状进行了梳理,发现了我国刑事被害人权利保护体系存在的诸多漏洞。首先,刑事被害人在侦查、审查起诉、审判、执行各个环节中知情权和参与权严重不足,地位仅相当于证人。第二,他们的民事赔偿权利被全面剥夺,最高人民法院用司法解释的形式剥夺了侵财案件被害人提起附带民事诉讼的权利、精神遭受严重损害的被害人索赔精神损害赔偿金的权利、被犯罪伤害致残或致死的被害人及其遗属索赔残疾赔偿金、死亡赔偿金的权利。第三,他们实现权利的配套机制不完善。刑事被害人获得法律援助门槛较高,缺乏获得法律援助的保障;被害人的代理律师被允许介入刑事诉讼的时间晚,因此他们较难获得法律专业人士的帮助。 因此本文对造成我国刑事被害人权利缺失的原因进行了分析,借鉴国外立法,提出了改善我国刑事被害人权利现状的对策。首先,赋予刑事被害人完整的诉讼权利,修改《刑事诉讼法》,完善刑事被害人在侦查、审查起诉、审判、执行各个阶段的知情权和参与权。第二,完善刑事被害人实现权利的配套机制。修改《法律援助条例》,取消对特定类型的被害人提供法律援助的门槛。修改《刑事诉讼法》,,允许被害人随时委托诉讼代理人。第三,取消相关司法解释,恢复刑事被害人民事赔偿方面的权利。恢复侵财案件被害人提起附带民事诉讼的权利、精神遭受严重损害的被害人索赔精神损害赔偿金的权利、被犯罪伤害致残或致死的被害人及其遗属索赔残疾赔偿金、死亡赔偿金的权利。最重要的是,要建立我国的刑事被害人国家补偿制度。根据我国的国情、适当借鉴国外的国家补偿立法,对补偿对象、补偿范围、补偿金额、补偿资金来源、补偿程序等分别作出规定,建立起我国的刑事被害人国家补偿制度。
[Abstract]:This paper combs the present situation of the rights of criminal victims in our country, and finds many loopholes in the system of protecting the rights of criminal victims in our country. First of all, the criminal victims in investigation, prosecution, trial, execution of each link in the right to know and the right to participate is seriously inadequate, the status is only equivalent to witnesses. Second, their right to civil compensation has been completely denied. The Supreme people's Court has deprived the victim of a financial invasion case of the right to file an incidental civil action in the form of a judicial interpretation. The right of the victim of serious mental injury to claim compensation for moral damage, the right of the victim and his surviving family to claim compensation for disability and compensation for death caused by criminal injury or death. Third, their realization of the rights of the supporting mechanism is not perfect. Criminal victims have higher barriers to legal aid and lack of protection; their lawyers are allowed to intervene late in criminal proceedings, making it more difficult for them to obtain assistance from legal professionals. Therefore, this paper analyzes the causes of the lack of the rights of criminal victims in our country, draws lessons from foreign legislation, and puts forward some countermeasures to improve the present situation of the rights of criminal victims in our country. First of all, the criminal victims should be given complete procedural rights, the Criminal procedure Law should be amended, and the criminal victims' right to know and participate in the investigation, examination, prosecution, trial and execution of each stage should be improved. Second, perfect the supporting mechanism for the realization of the rights of criminal victims. Amend the legal Aid regulations to remove the threshold of legal aid for specific types of victims. The Criminal procedure Law shall be amended to allow the victim to appoint an agent ad litem at any time. Third, cancel the relevant judicial interpretation and restore the civil compensation rights of criminal victims. "to restore the right of the victim of a pecuniary invasion case to institute incidental civil proceedings, the right of the victim who has suffered serious mental damage to claim compensation for moral damage, and the right of the victim and his survivors to claim compensation for disability compensation caused by the injury or death of the crime," Right to compensation for death The most important thing is to establish a national compensation system for criminal victims in our country. According to the national conditions of our country, we should draw lessons from the foreign national compensation legislation, and set up the national compensation system for criminal victims in our country, which includes the object of compensation, the range of compensation, the amount of compensation, the source of compensation funds, the procedure of compensation and so on.


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