[Abstract]:In recent years, with the deepening of educational reform and the continuous improvement of quality education, schools pay particular attention to the cultivation of comprehensive quality. School education activities have gradually expanded from the original classrooms and playgrounds to all areas of the campus and even outside the campus. This will inevitably lead to the occurrence of personal injury accidents among primary and middle school students, as a result of the increasing legal awareness of the people. However, the corresponding legal knowledge is backward or even lack of legal knowledge and common sense of school injury cases, which can not be effectively solved after the occurrence of such an accident, which has become one of the thorny problems. The full implementation of the family planning policy has led to an increasing number of one-child families, and the degree of attention paid to the one-child family has accordingly increased. Well, the personal injury of primary and secondary school students has also caused the parents of students to look at the problem objectively and correctly, which has brought a lot of troubles to the education department. Therefore, this kind of problem has received extensive attention from all walks of life in the society. If the problem of compensation for personal injury of primary and middle school students is not properly handled, it will inevitably lead to endless disputes and confusion of educational order. Although the dispute over compensation for personal injury of primary and middle school students has caused many problems to the educational and judicial circles, it has to a certain extent promoted the further improvement of educational laws and regulations. It also provides more theoretical basis for this kind of cases in judicial practice. This research from the primary and middle school student personal injury compensation dispute question responsibility division, the compensation main body confirmation, The determination of the amount of compensation and the procedural problems in the litigation of compensation try to analyze the problem of obstruction of civil litigation in the dispute of compensation for personal injury of primary and middle school students.
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