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发布时间:2019-01-07 22:50
【摘要】:近年来,未成年入犯因其特殊的年龄特征,表现出同体化、低龄化、恶性化等一系列的趋势。在我国,因为未成年犯在社会上属于弱势群体,所以应该在审前程序中给予其更多的关注和保护。未成年人审前程序作为未成年人案件进入诉讼程序的第一步,合理的设计以及完善的审前程序关乎着未成年犯的整个未来。完善少年刑事审前程序并使案件尽量避免进入审判程序,或者即使在进入审判程序后,也基于未成年犯身心特点的特殊性,尽量从保护未成年人方面出发,将会对未成年人今后的身心发展更有利。本文主要通过对我国未成年人年龄进行界定和对未成年人在审前各个阶段的现状进行分析,并借鉴国外关于未成年人审前程序的成功经验,进行比较分析,力求构建适合我国未成年人案件的刑事审前程序,从而真正贯彻落实对未成年人的教育、感化和挽救的方针。 全文共分为四个部分:第一部分阐明研究问题的背景,以及相关概念的界定。主要介绍了未成年人的审前程序,包括未成年人犯罪的概述、未成年人审前程序研究的必要性和价值,以及分析我国未成年人犯罪的立法依据;第二部分基于比较分析的方法对我国和国外的未成年人审前程序进行对比,包括大陆法系国家和英美法系国家对于未成年人审前程序的法律规定,并得出对我国未成年人犯罪审前程序的相关启示;第三部分主要论述了我国关于未成年人审前程序的相关法律规定和存在的不足;第四部分是本文的重点,主要通过完善我国附条件不起诉制度,建立审前羁押强制措施审查程序、完善人格调查制度等构想,提出对策来完善我国未成年人审前程序。
[Abstract]:In recent years, juvenile delinquents, due to their special age characteristics, show a series of trends such as homogeneity, younger age, malignancy and so on. In our country, juvenile delinquents should be paid more attention and protection in the pretrial procedure because they belong to the vulnerable groups in the society. As the first step of juvenile cases, the reasonable design and perfect pretrial procedure are related to the whole future of juvenile delinquents. To perfect the juvenile criminal pretrial procedure and to prevent the case from entering the trial procedure as far as possible, or, even after entering the trial procedure, to proceed from the protection of minors on the basis of the particularity of the juvenile's physical and mental characteristics, Will be more conducive to the physical and mental development of minors in the future. Through defining the age of minors in our country and analyzing the present situation of minors in each stage of pretrial trial, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the successful experience of foreign countries on the pretrial procedure of minors. This paper tries to construct the criminal pretrial procedure suitable for juvenile cases in our country, so as to carry out the policy of education, probation and rescue of minors. The paper is divided into four parts: the first part clarifies the background of the research and the definition of related concepts. It mainly introduces the pretrial procedure of minors, including the outline of juvenile delinquency, the necessity and value of the study of juvenile pretrial procedure, and the legislative basis of analyzing juvenile delinquency in China. The second part is based on the comparative analysis method to compare the juvenile pretrial procedure between China and foreign countries, including the civil law countries and common law countries for the juvenile pretrial procedure of the legal provisions. And the relevant enlightenment to the pretrial procedure of juvenile delinquency in our country is obtained. The third part mainly discusses the relevant legal provisions and shortcomings of the pretrial procedure for minors in China; The fourth part is the focus of this paper, mainly through perfecting the system of conditional non-prosecution, establishing the examination procedure of compulsory measures of pretrial detention, perfecting the system of personality investigation, and putting forward some countermeasures to perfect the pretrial procedure of minors in our country.


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