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发布时间:2019-01-08 17:21
[Abstract]:As the new Administrative procedure Law came into effect on May 1, 2015, the system of administrative organ chief appearing in court came into effect in the whole country. The system was first put forward and implemented in Heyang County, Shaanxi Province. The system is conducive to resolving the current problems such as difficult administrative trial. Therefore, this paper mainly analyzes the system of the chief of administrative organs appearing in court, analyzes the problems existing in the judicial practice, and then finds out the causes of these problems and puts forward some suggestions for improvement. In addition, through the analysis of the current situation of the judicial practice of the system of chief executives appearing in court, the author tries to construct a suitable safeguard mechanism to promote the implementation of the system better. Play its due role in the process of legal system construction in our country. This paper is mainly composed of four parts. The following is a brief introduction to each part: the first part of this paper is based on the related concepts of the system of responsible persons of administrative organs appearing in court. Through understanding and grasping the related concepts, this paper analyzes the value of the system of chief executives appearing in court. This article plays a leading role in the post-narration. The second part of this paper briefly expounds the emergence and development of the system of the chief of administrative organs appearing in court, the specific provisions of the system of the chief of administrative organs appearing in court in the legislation and the present situation of its implementation in the judicial practice. From this part, we can see that the system of chief executives of administrative organs appearing in court is a system that emerges from the bottom-up and slowly advancing, that is, it is first explored and groped by various localities, and then, to a certain extent, the State Council and the Supreme Law promulgate a unified document. Systems in operation in various localities; By introducing the present situation of the implementation of this system in judicial practice, we know that the implementation of this system in judicial practice is not good, but we still need to improve and strengthen it. The third part of this paper is based on the second part to further explore the administrative organs in the system of appearance in court in the process of judicial practice problems, and from different levels to think about the causes of these problems. The fourth part of this article is based on the second part and the third part of the elaboration as the premise, respectively from the internal system, the court system and the news media level to the administrative organ responsible person appears in the lawsuit system to put forward own point of view. To improve the system to their own little bit of power.


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7 徐梦,




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