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发布时间:2019-01-08 18:31
[Abstract]:It is very common for witnesses to appear in court and the low rate of appearance is a very common phenomenon in criminal judicial practice in our country. Whether the system of witnesses appearing in court in criminal proceedings is perfect or not has a great influence on this phenomenon. This article takes the important significance of witness appearing in court system in criminal procedure as the starting point, and then combs the present situation and the question of the witness appearing in court system in our country, probes into the reason behind the problem, and puts forward some suggestions to perfect the system at the same time. This paper is divided into three parts: the first part emphasizes the importance of witness appearance in criminal proceedings. The appearance of witnesses in criminal proceedings helps the court to find out the facts of the case, to protect the defendant's right of cross-examination, to provide impetus for the implementation of the principle of direct speech, and to directly reflect the pattern of adversarial trial. The second part combs the present situation and the existing problems of the witness appearance system in the criminal procedure in our country. Article 59 of the Criminal procedure Law stipulates that the witness testimony must go through the trial cross-examination before it can be used to prove the facts of the case; At the same time, article 188 imposes a duty on citizens to testify in certain circumstances. The present situation of witness appearing in court in our country is that the rate of witness appearing in court is very low, which is a great hindrance to the court to find out the facts of the case and to accurately convict and sentence the defendant. There are a series of problems in the system of criminal witness appearing in court, mainly as follows: first, the principle of direct speech is not clearly defined as a basic principle; second, the stipulation of compulsory witness appearing in court is imperfect; third, the regulation of witness protection is too general; Fourth, the provisions of witness financial compensation are not detailed enough. In the third part, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the system of witness appearance in criminal procedure in our country. The four aspects are as follows: first, make clear the principle of direct words, and take this principle as a basic principle of our country's Criminal procedure Law. Second, perfect the stipulation of compulsory witness appearing in court, make the witness actively cooperate with the court to testify in court, consciously fulfill the obligation. Thirdly, the provisions of witness protection should be refined so that witnesses have no worries when they testify in court, and their testimonies are not influenced by external factors. Fourth, the stipulation of the financial compensation of witnesses should be refined, and the witnesses should actively cooperate with the court to give truthful testimony in court, and avoid the economic loss caused by the witnesses appearing in court.


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