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发布时间:2019-01-09 16:13
【摘要】:随着司法实践的发展和人们对诉讼规律认识的加深,面对越来越多的利用本诉侵害案外人利益的现状,第三人撤销之诉作为保护案外人利益的专属制度和维护司法裁判稳定性、权威性的“防火墙”,被2012年民事诉讼法修正案作为一项诉讼制度确立下来。 纵观各国特别是大陆法系国家的民事诉讼立法,不仅存在再审型的第三人撤销之诉或独立的第三人撤销制度,并且在德国、意大利等国家以特别法的方式对其明文规定,对提起的事由也作出了相关规定。各国的第三人撤销之诉提起的要求大致是对于本诉存在诉讼利益,但由于不可归责于自身的事由未参加本诉。国外和我国的台湾地区的相关制度对我国第三人撤销之诉的司法运作有重要的借鉴价值。 第三人撤销之诉的设定,关涉诉讼的公正与效率,关涉司法裁判的稳定性、权威性与利益相关方的正当权利的保护,关涉法的安定与正义的冲突及取舍,蕴含着深刻的诉讼理论和哲理。第三人撤销之诉与法的形成力与既判力存在着此消彼长的关系,第三人撤销之诉正是为了防止判决效力的扩张。为在判决的正当性和既判力之间寻求平衡。 在我国,市场经济的繁荣发展,各种产权形式重组,导致权利状态难以知晓,这就为当事人双方恶意串通、虚假自认侵害案外人利益滋生了土壤,为了抑制当事人作出的侵害案外人利益的行为,应尽快制定相关的司法解释明确第三人撤销之诉提起的主体、管辖的法院等以期提升司法公信力,取得双赢效果。同时,我国法院审级利益的冲突、本诉当事人与案外人利益的冲突等必然会造成以后适用过程中的困难,只有最大程度将第三人撤销制度明确化,减少该制度成为“休眠条款”的可能性,才能做到真正地保护案外人利益。
[Abstract]:With the development of judicial practice and the deepening of people's understanding of the law of litigation, in the face of more and more exploitation of the interests of the outsider in this case, the third party cancels the suit as the exclusive system to protect the interests of the outsider in the case and to maintain the stability of the judicial judgment. The authoritative firewall was established as a lawsuit system by the amendment of civil procedure law in 2012. Throughout the civil litigation legislation of various countries, especially in the civil law system, there exists not only the retrial third party revocation action or the independent third party revocation system, but also the special law in Germany, Italy and other countries. Relevant provisions have also been made for the reasons mentioned. The request of the third party to withdraw the lawsuit in various countries is that there is litigation interest in the suit, but it does not take part in the suit because of its irresponsibility. The relevant systems in foreign countries and Taiwan have important reference value for the judicial operation of the third party's revocation. The establishment of the third party's revocation action is concerned with the fairness and efficiency of the lawsuit, the stability of the judicial decision, the protection of the authority and the legitimate rights of the interested parties, the conflict between the stability of the law and the justice, and the conflict between the justice and the law. It contains profound litigation theory and philosophy. There is a relationship between the forming force of the third party's revocation and the res judicata, and the third party's revocation is in order to prevent the expansion of the validity of the judgment. In order to find a balance between the legitimacy of the judgment and res judicata. In China, the prosperous development of the market economy and the reorganization of various forms of property rights have led to the difficulty of knowing the state of the rights. This has created a soil for the interests of outsiders in the case of false self-admission as a result of malicious collusion on the part of both parties. In order to restrain the behavior of infringing the interests of the outsider in the case, the relevant judicial explanation should be made as soon as possible to make clear the subject of the action of the third party's revocation, the court of jurisdiction and so on, in order to enhance the judicial credibility and obtain the win-win effect. At the same time, the conflicts of the interests of the courts and the interests of the litigants and the outsiders in the case will inevitably lead to difficulties in the process of application in the future. Only to the greatest extent will the system of revocation of the third party be made clear. Only by reducing the possibility of the system becoming "dormant clause" can we truly protect the interests of outsiders in the case.


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