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发布时间:2019-01-09 16:44
【摘要】:抵押权的实现是抵押权最重要的效力,是抵押权担保功能的最后体现。2012年8月31日新修订的《民事诉讼法》在第十五章特别程序中增加了担保物权实现条款,在程序法上实现了与实体法的衔接。然而,这种程序上的呼应缺乏明确的性质定位和可操作性的条文规范。本文通过对担保物权实现程序的基本理论解析和司法实务分析,提出完善抵押权实现之非讼程序的建议,以期使该程序满足民事案件审理日趋多样化以及程序主体不同的价值需求,并成为解决我国民事司法内容诸多困境的有效路径之一。 本文共分三章。第一章梳理担保物权实现程序的基本理论。第二章考察我国抵押权实现案件的审查标准及司法实务中的困境。第三章针对理论和实务中发现的突出问题,提出完善抵押权实现非讼程序的建议。结论对全文进行概括,并希望通过对抵押权实现路径的完善,,推动其他担保物权实现制度在理论上和实务上的规范和完善。
[Abstract]:The realization of hypothec is the most important effect of hypothec and the final embodiment of the function of hypothec guarantee. In procedural law, the connection with substantive law is realized. However, this kind of procedure echo lacks the explicit nature localization and the operational article norm. Based on the analysis of the basic theory and judicial practice of the procedure for the realization of security right, this paper puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the non-litigation procedure for the realization of mortgage right. The purpose of this paper is to make the procedure meet the needs of diverse trial of civil cases and the different value of procedural subjects, and to become one of the effective ways to solve the difficulties of civil judicial content in our country. This paper is divided into three chapters. The first chapter combs the basic theory of the realization procedure of security real right. In the second chapter, we investigate the standard of examining the case of mortgage realization and the dilemma in judicial practice. The third chapter puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the hypothec to realize the non-litigation procedure in view of the outstanding problems found in theory and practice. The conclusion summarizes the full text and hopes to improve the realization path of mortgage and to promote the regulation and perfection of other security real right realization system in theory and practice.


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