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发布时间:2019-01-14 13:42
[Abstract]:This paper has an introduction and four parts. The introduction defines the concept of illegal confession and the connotation of the exclusion rule of illegal confession in Chinese law. From the perspective of legal regulations, this paper highlights the changing process of the importance of the rule of exclusion of illegal confessions in today's judicial system. The object and method of this paper are introduced. The first part collects the application of illegal confession exclusion rules in criminal trial in N province by means of questionnaire survey. The contents of the questionnaire cover 6 questions, starting from the start and investigating. To identify three aspects to show the specific implementation of illegal confession exclusion rules; Secondly, the use of real cases to reflect illegal confession exclusion rules in specific cases encountered; third, the author conducted interviews with relevant legal personnel, including judges, prosecutors and lawyers. The collected information reflects the handling of illegal confessions in the course of handling cases, problems encountered and suggestions for improvement. Finally, the common points and differences of the three ways to collect information are summarized briefly. This chapter is only an objective description of the status quo, not value evaluation. The second part is based on the actual operation of the exclusion rule of illegal confession in N province, and puts forward the practical problem of "four noes" in the rule of exclusion of illegal confession, that is, the rule of exclusion of illegal confession does not work, will not be used, does not want to use, and does not dare to use it. It is the existence of these problems that makes the implementation of illegal confession exclusion rules not optimistic and far from the legislative spirit of our criminal procedure law. In the third part, four aspects of investigation, public prosecution, trial and defense are reviewed to find out the causes of the practical problems of illegal confession exclusion rules. From many angles of view, every subject is scanned how to practice the rule, and then analyzes the reason why the rule presents problems. First, the investigation link exists the investigation condition is bad, the investigation consciousness is not strong and so on question, anxious to solve the case, does the meritorious work keenly, produces the illegal confession possibility most; Second, the supervision of the procuratorial organ makes the illegal confession flow smoothly to the trial link until it becomes the basis of the final case. Third, trial, as the last pass of right relief, plays a vital role in the application of the rule of exclusion of illegal confessions, but in reality, the examination of illegal confessions becomes a mere formality. Illegal confessions cannot be excluded as they ought to be; Fourth, the criminal defense of the defendant's education level is not high, worried about aggravated guilt, and lawyers and defenders involved in the case late, play a less subjective and objective reasons, such as illegal confessions are difficult to exclude. The combination of various factors leads to the difficulty of applying illegal confession exclusion rules. The fourth part is the suggestion of perfecting the exclusion rules of illegal evidence. It is necessary to establish procedural restriction mechanism of procedural right of action, improve the ability of proof of defense to deal with "not effective", change the concept of "confession emperor", and strengthen the sense of procedure to deal with "no use". It is suggested that the trial of illegal confessions should be brought into the examination mechanism and combined with the rules of procuratorial supervision to jointly deal with "unwilling to use", and to implement the system of judge responsibility as the center of the court to deal with "not using". Aiming at the four problems, the author tries to urge the rule of illegal confession exclusion to play its due role in the criminal justice of N province.


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