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发布时间:2019-01-14 08:11
[Abstract]:Due to the lack of substance and procedure in the existing system of death investigation in China, the abnormal death cases in recent years often lead to hot debate and even query by public opinion. From the recognition process of the death conclusion by the family of the deceased, there is a process from the dispute between the relatives of the deceased and the possible doer to the dissimilation of the dispute between the family of the deceased and the public authority. In order to solve this problem, we should take the thinking of rule by law as the guide, learn from the legal system and judicial practice of common law countries and regions actively, plan systematically and construct scientifically, and form the system of ascertaining the cause of death, which accords with the national conditions of our country and the social situation. The key to construct this system is to find out the cause of death, the judicature of the cognizance procedure, that is, the people's court tries the case of abnormal death, the right to investigate the cause of death is auxiliary to the right of determining the cause of death, which can be exercised by the public security organ or the relevant administrative department. To construct the system of identifying and determining the cause of death, we should mainly standardize the definition of "abnormal death case", apply to the identification of the cause of death, and recognize the cause of death.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学法学院;中国人民公安大学;


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