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发布时间:2019-01-17 10:50
[Abstract]:In the current judicial practice of our country, the administrative department which takes on the function of pretrial detention is mainly set up as the administrative unit of the public security organs at all levels of detention. At the same time, the public security organs themselves shoulder most of our country's criminal investigation duties and tasks. This will certainly make the duty of detention center appear alienation in judicial practice, and even become a powerful tool to assist criminal investigation. It is not surprising that prolonged detention occurs in judicial practice, that the prison superintendents are repeatedly prohibited, and that the unnatural deaths of pending detainees occur from time to time. In order to better respond to General Secretary Xi Jinping's grand goal of making the people feel fair and just in every judicial case, and to improve the judicial credibility, and then to adapt to the new demands put forward by the people on judicial work under the new situation. It is urgent to reform the existing duty and working mechanism of the detention center. According to the relevant requirements of the Code of Criminal procedure, the functions of the detention centre should be responsible for the execution of pretrial detention of unconvicted offenders, as well as for the execution of the functions of convicted offenders whose sentences are less than three months inconvenient to be sent to prison, but in the current judicial practice, Due to the fact that the detention center is managed by the public security organ of the criminal investigation department, the public security organ makes full use of this advantage and regards the detention center as the "crime information bank" and "the important battlefield" for cracking down on the crime. This has also brought a series of practical problems such as extorting confessions by torture, extended detention, prison hegemony and other practical problems. In recent years, there have been repeated deaths of detainees. The emergence of the above problems, in addition to the unclear function, administrative status subordinate to the public security organs, but also with our "presumption of guilt" criminal justice concept is still the mainstream, involving pending custody of the laws and regulations are not perfect. The internal management of the detention center is just a formality, the external supervision channel of the detention center is single, the right relief means of the detainees are not in place, the external non-legal pressure and other subjective and objective reasons work together. In order to solve all kinds of problems in the current judicial practice, we must reposition the function of the detention center. On the basis of ensuring the normal operation of the criminal procedure, the function of the detention center is to protect the lawful rights of the detainees from being infringed and the right of defense to be effectively implemented. It is necessary to clarify its relationship with the criminal investigation department and hand it over to the relatively neutral judicial administrative organ in the administrative ownership, personnel management, financial security and business guidance. In addition, the judicial environment involving the neutralization of detention facilities should be reformed to a certain extent, such as continuing to promote law popularization education, so that the whole people can establish the legal principle of "presumption of innocence"; This paper reconstructs the relevant laws and regulations and operation mechanism of detention center and pending detention.


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