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发布时间:2019-01-20 12:16
[Abstract]:The development and progress of society determines that every judicial system is established to meet the needs of social reality. Since the fifties and sixties of the last century, with the gradual recovery of social economy after World War II, various countries in the world have appeared the phenomenon of "lawsuit explosion" in different degrees. In order to solve this problem, many countries have set off a wave of reform of the civil procedure of trial, and the small claims procedure has emerged in the people's field of vision. The small claims procedure embodies the judicial value of fairness and efficiency. It provides a platform for every citizen to have equal access to the law. The small claims procedure not only can solve disputes efficiently, cheaply and quickly, but also can promote the optimal allocation of judicial resources and realize the maximization of judicial benefit, and also help to promote the harmony and stability of the society. Since the reform and opening up, with the acceleration of economic development, the legal awareness of the people is also constantly strengthened, more and more people are willing to use the law as a weapon to solve the contradictions and disputes in reality. As a result, civil disputes continue to pour into the court, greatly increasing the pressure on the court to hear cases. In order to solve the problem that the limited judicial resources in practice can not meet the increasing needs of the people, our country learns and draws lessons from the successful reform experience of foreign small claims procedure. First of all, the trial work on small lawsuit cases is carried out in a small scale in the whole country, and then in this civil litigation trial reform, according to the specific conditions of our country, the small claims procedure suitable for the judicial construction with socialist characteristics is put forward. This is not only the perfection of our country's civil litigation reform, but also the great leap of our country's socialist legal construction. However, the small claims procedure introduced in our country is only stipulated by a simple provision in legislation, rather than a set of complete procedural system. It is precisely because the legislator has not made clear that the provisions of the small claims procedure are too simple. The specific application of the provisions, this in practice a better implementation of small-claims procedures increased difficulties and obstacles. Therefore, we need to study the specific provisions and supporting system of the small claims procedure in order to provide valuable reference for the country to perfect the legislation in the future. This article will describe the small claims procedure from six aspects. The first chapter is the opening part of the full text, discusses the origin of the subject of small claims proceedings background, the second chapter introduces the relevant theoretical basis, from different angles to give the definition of small claims proceedings point of view; The third chapter is to study the domestic and foreign legal provisions on the implementation of small claims procedure from a macro point of view, and on the basis of this, it discusses the enlightenment of the successful foreign experience to the legislation of small claims procedure in our country. In the fourth chapter, the article 162 of the new Civil procedure Law of our country is analyzed, and the problems existing in the legislation and practice of the small claims procedure are studied in depth. The fifth chapter on the basis of the establishment of the small claims procedure in China, from the legislation and supporting system to build and improve it to provide some shallow suggestions; the sixth chapter is the conclusion, refining the full text, and looking forward to the future.


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