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发布时间:2019-01-22 14:29
[Abstract]:It is a new direction in modern society to transfer civil disputes to society's own adjustment, to respect the free will of the parties, and to reduce the interference of power and authority in the relationship of rights and interests. The formation of a society ruled by law should keep a corresponding pace with the awakening of social self-consciousness. However, at present, the mode of handling civil disputes in our country, the trial, conciliation and mediation authority in litigation are too obvious, and the reconciliation and mediation outside litigation are facing the crisis of trust of the parties. The evolution of the types and specialization of litigation disputes makes the status of the existing trial, conciliation and mediation mechanism seriously out of balance, and each system reveals obvious lag and inadaptability to the types of modern disputes. Therefore, it is very important to reconstruct the reconciliation system, which adapts to the trial and mediation, and matches the development of modern disputes. This paper studies the basic concept of civil litigation reconciliation, draws lessons from overseas regulations and practical experience, compares the differences between civil litigation reconciliation and court mediation, and reconstructs the system of civil litigation reconciliation for our country from the angle of theory and practice. Some suggestions are put forward. Specifically, the paper consists of three parts: the first part is the basic overview of the settlement system of civil litigation. The analysis of the system of settlement of civil action establishes the precondition for the whole research. The discussion on the nature of the settlement of civil litigation provides theoretical support for the later reconstruction of the settlement system. The analysis of the relationship between the settlement and the court lays a foundation for further clarifying the settlement system. The second part is the present situation and defects of the settlement system in civil litigation. This part summarizes the current application of the civil litigation reconciliation system in our country, as well as the related problems exposed in the application. This part of the problem is not only the loopholes in the system itself, but also contains the reconciliation system in the process of mediation with the court, trial, execution procedures in the convergence of difficulties. The third part is the reconstruction of China's civil litigation reconciliation system. This part first analyzes the necessity of the revision of the conciliation system from the angle of the reform of the judicial system and the legislative concept, and then puts forward the feasibility study on the reconstruction of the settlement system of civil action in the current litigation system of our country. In view of the system itself and the applicable defects, this paper puts forward some suggestions for the reconstruction of the settlement system of civil action. It also includes the relationship between the system of litigation settlement and the court; the relationship between the system of settlement of civil action and the judgment of first instance; the elements of conciliation of civil action, the effect and the reconstruction of procedure.


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