[Abstract]:In recent years, the frequent occurrence of unexpected events in our country, the frequency of all kinds of events is increasing, which brings great risks to people's production and life. In order to improve the speed and efficiency of dealing with emergencies, the Emergency response Law of the people's Republic of China stipulates that the government is the subject of dealing with emergencies. The power used by the government in dealing with emergencies is the right of administrative emergency. The right of administrative emergency is rich in connotation, including the power of administrative emergency decision-making, the power of administrative emergency enforcement, the right of administrative emergency punishment, and so on. But there are few laws and regulations about administrative emergency right at present, the main law is Emergency response Law. How to exercise the right of administrative emergency reasonably and legally and define the limits of the right of administrative emergency has become an important subject in the mechanism of dealing with emergencies. In this paper, firstly, the research status of administrative emergency right is reviewed, and the research significance and research method of administrative emergency right are clarified. Secondly, in view of the fact that the emergency is the logical starting point of exercising the right of administrative emergency, the concept and characteristics of the emergency are briefly analyzed. By combing the existing viewpoints of the academic circles, defining the administrative emergency right, analyzing the characteristics of the administrative emergency right, again, analyzing the legal problems of the administrative emergency right in the emergency response in our country. Including the administrative emergency decision-making power, administrative emergency enforcement power, administrative emergency penalty power and other problems. Finally, the author puts forward the principles and rules that should be followed to perfect the regulation of administrative emergency right, in order to provide reference for administrative organs to exercise administrative emergency right.
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